- Cadastral cadastral 地籍
- Cadastral survey by the Hanjiang commissioned by the Land Management Bureau. 地籍调查工作由邗江区国土管理分局委托。
- It has also established a Cadastral Survey Plan Index System to facilitate the search of land boundary survey records. 该处又设立一个地籍测量图索引系统,利便地界测量记录的查阅工作。
- Establishment and Application of Rural Cadastral information System in Jiangsu Province. 江苏省农村地籍管理信息系统的建设与应用。
- Lack of comprehensive cadastral data and the scattered nature of existing data in various locations. 缺少完善的地籍数据,现存数据分散在不同地方。
- Article 20 The register and the cadastral map shall be permanently retained by the registry. 第20条登记簿及地籍图由登记机关永久保存之。
- Abstract:Spatial data quality is the basis of cadastral data's updating, query and analysis. 摘要:地籍空间数据质量是地籍数据更新、信息查询与分析的基础。
- Tax base each plot calculated according to square meter price in cadastral blocks. 每个地块基准税率以平方米为单位根据地籍分区计算而得。
- Spatial data quality is the basis of cadastral data's updating, query and analysis. 地籍空间数据质量是地籍数据更新、信息查询与分析的基础。
- In addition, some useful methods for land revision and cadastral survey were generalized. 此外,另归纳出许多对于复丈或厘整地籍有所帮助的资讯。
- Local and regional cadastral review commissions provide information for valuation activities and must ultimately approve valuation results. 地方和区域地籍检查委员会为评估活动提供信息,并必须审批评估结果。
- Associating with our practical experiences, it provides a feasible and impactful method to survey the Cadastral maps in this paper. 结合作者在此项工作中的实践经验,本文总结出了一套切实可行地籍图测绘方法。
- Finally,one reference modal of project of urban and rual integrative cadastral management information system is suggested in the last part of paper. 在本文的最后一部分给出了一个城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统软件工程建设的一个实例化的参考模型。
- The paper is the generalization of theories and technologies based on several urban and rural integrative cadastral project practices. 本论文是通过参与多个城乡一体化地籍项目设计、开发和实施的基础上进行的理论和实践的总结。
- If in a land office you stumble upon an old grid that uses 20/11 meters per unit, that is the so called Cadastral coordinates. 若在地政事务所看到以六台尺为单位之老座标,就是所谓的地籍座标。
- Finally, according to the test results to suggestion oneness year cadastral resurvey area for conversion area will be better. 最后,依据测试之结果建议以同一年度之地籍重测区为转换区较为适宜。
- Cadastral Division of the responsible person noted that the supply of land, including two pieces, a piece is incremental, is a piece of stock. 地籍司有关负责人指出,土地供应包括两块,一块是增量,一块是存量。
- Cadastral object is one of complex features in GIS, which abides higher topological restriction and is more frequently updated. 空间拓扑关系表达是定性的空间认知与定量化的计算模型之间的联系纽带。
- A land surveyor is somebody who is involved with land by measuring the field, reading old cadastral records and making data analysis. 土地测量师是谁是有人参与土地测量领域,读旧地籍记录和数据分析。
- The outcome of the inspection and acceptance by the Hanjiang, land management organizations Yangzhou Branch of Cadastral experts acceptance. 成果的检查验收由邗江区国土管理分局组织扬州市地籍专家验收。