- C of S (Chief of Staff) 参谋长
- I informed the President and the Chief of Staff. 我向总统和参谋长做了报告。
- White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. 白宫总参谋长:安德鲁
- IDF Chief of Staff at the time was Moshe Dayan. 国防军总参谋长,在当时是摩西。
- He served as a chief of staff in the army. 他在部队做参谋长。
- Incoming Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel agrees. 即将上任的奥巴马参谋长伊曼纽尔对此表示同意。
- Pyrrhus admired Fabricius and invited him to be his chief of staff. 皮拉斯对法布里丘斯十分景仰,邀请法布里丘斯做他的参谋长。
- In 1909 Haig was made Chief of Staff of the Indian army. 1909年黑格担任印度军队的总参谋长。
- He also advised against becoming Jerry Browns chief of staff. 他还建议我不要去当杰里.;布朗的办公室主任。
- From 2001, he was chief of staff of the 3rd submarine flotilla. 从2001年起,他担任第3潜艇编队的指挥官。
- The cat after classics domestication weighs moggy (s of u of c of i of t of s of e of m of o of d of s of u of t of a of c of s of i of F e l ) . 经驯化后的猫称家猫(Feliscatusdomesticus)。
- As a result of resource rare be short of a gender (y of t of i of c of r of S c a ) just brought about cost and limit analysis. 正是由于资源的稀缺性(Scarcity)才导致了成本和边际分析。
- The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week. 领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。
- Healey, for instance, stepped down as the mayor’s chief of staff to lead the committee. H女士,比如说,从市长的位置上卸任以后来领导这个委员会。
- Summerall, former Chief of Staff, first win his fame? Summerall上将,是如何赢得他第一次的威望的?
- He was Mr Putin's chief of staff and legal consigliere. 他曾是普京的总参谋长与法律顾问。
- One, theoretical analysis PIS (m of e of t of s of y of S of n of o of i of t of a of c of i of f of i of t of n of e of d of I of e of c of u of d of P r o ) namely " produce identifying system " . 一、理论分析PIS(ProduceIdentificationSystem)即“农产品识别系统”。
- Gross National Product and Gross National Product of gross domestic product (t of c of u of d of o of r of P of l of a of n of o of i of t of a of N of s of s of G r o ) English abbreviation is GNP. 国民生产总值和国内生产总值国民生产总值(GrossNationalProduct)的英文简称为GNP。
- The chief of staff's bureau requested a copy of the transcript of the discussion, and Zamir provided it.This week Zamir met with the IDF's chief education officer, Brig. 以军总参谋部索取了一份该次讨论的谈话记录复件;Zamir满足了他们的要求.;本周Zamir会见了以色列总教导长官Brig
- I have nominated Brigadier de Guingand as Chief of Staff Eighth Army. 我已经委派德圭因甘德准将担任第八集团军参谋长。