- CS Channel Separation 声道分离
- The English Channel separates France from England. 英吉利海峡将法国与英国分开。
- The English Channel separates England and France. 英吉利海峡隔开了英,法两国。
- The English Channel separates Britain and France. 英吉利海峡把英国和法国分开。
- The English Channel separates Great Britain from the Continent. 英吉利海峡隔开了大不列颠和欧洲大陆。
- Wang sent SFDF sorbet, a sorbet cross transmission mechanism and delivery channel separation technology, has been leading in the domestic market of similar products. SFDF冰糕横送系统,采用传动机构与冰糕横送通道分离的技术,已领先于国内市场中的同类产品。
- Tracking ability and channel separation test record 循迹能力、声道分隔度测试唱片
- The famous white cliffs, immortalized in song and verse, face the Strait of Dover, the narrowest point of the Channel separating England and France. 诗词歌赋中广为传诵的多佛白崖对面就是多佛海峡,位于隔断英法的海峡最窄处。
- He get seasick every time he crosse the channel. 他每次渡英吉利海峡时都晕船。
- Ferryboats ply across the English Channel. 渡船定期往返于英吉利海峡。
- The water had worn a channel in the rock. 水把岩石冲出了一条沟。
- Separation from her children was a terrible wrench. 同她的孩子们分别是一项很大的痛苦。
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- However, the grades are pretty useless in CS COOP. 四年下来,四五十门课平均超过95分是什么概念,您自个儿掂量吧。
- A channel over which pilot signal is transmitted. 可在其上传输导频信号的一种信道。
- Once he swam the English Channel. 他有一次横渡了英吉利海峡。
- Ships must follow the channel into the port. 船只必须沿航道进入港口。
- The channel of the river filled up with mud. 河道塞满了泥。
- Why did they include the vehicles in CS? 为什么要设置交通工具?
- Will it be possible to ADD new skills via the CS? 可以加新技能吗?