- CPPCC Member Xia Jiajun 夏家骏 “爱管闲事”的政协常委
- This CPPCC member Zhang Xiaomei suggested the feminine spirit is the best to deal with the economic crisis. 全国政协委员张晓梅建议,应加大发挥女性的社会优势,倡导女性精神应对经济危机。
- CPPCC member and chairman of CICC Li Jiange 3 day express, on distribution system reform and the resumption of IPO-related proposals submitted. 全国政协委员、中金公司董事长李剑阁3日表示,将就发行制度改革和重启IPO提交相关提案。
- CPPCC Members Propose the Ban of Commercial Intemet Bar, etc. 全国政协委员建议取消营业性网吧。
- During "The two sessions", Ni Ping, as a CPPCC member, firmly carried the proposal to fight against "Copycatting Culture". 本届两会上,政协委员倪萍发表提案,坚决反对“山寨文化”。
- "Beijing is the Ninth CPPCC National Committee held a panel discussion at the General Assembly five times more than a CPPCC member raised the question. 正在召开的北京市政协九届五次大会的小组讨论会上,不止一位政协委员提出了上述疑问。
- The officials include Gao Qiang, Party Group secretary and Vice Minister of Health, and Wan Gang, CPPCC member and Minister of Science and Technology. 被"堵"的人中有卫生部党组书记、副部长高强,还有致公党主席、科技部部长万钢等。"
- One CPPCC member of Heyuan city pointed out in a special investigation report, that mountain fires had frequented Heyuan city, since the year before last year. 河源市政协委员在一份专题调研报告中指出,从前年开始,河源市境内的山火就开始频频发生。
- CPPCC member Wang Yuping raised of housing can not allow "big money" to buy, Beijing and other cities have control over their purchasing policies related groups. 政协委员王宇平提出经济适用房不能让“大款”买去,北京等城市出台相关政策控制其购买人群。
- The global crisis is hurting the country badly, CPPCC members told China Daily reporters candidly. 政协委员对中国日报的记者坦率说到,全球经济危机对中国的影响十分严重。
- To handle the replies to the suggestions and proposals regarding banking regulations by the NPC representatives and CPPCC members respectively. 负责组织办理与银监会有关的全国人大代表建议和政协委员提案的答复工作。
- In addition, NPC deputies and CPPCC members are being served home dishes, such as dumplings, scalded Shanghai greens and home style fried tofu. 代表和委员的伙食以家常菜为主,饺子、白灼菜心、家常豆腐等上了餐桌。
- CPPCC members noted with satisfaction that China is in a strong position to avoid the bleak conditions in some countries. 政协委员们满意地说,中国完全有能力避免他国所面对的萧条现象。
- Senior Party leaders are continuing to join group discussions with NPC deputies and CPPCC members from across the nation. 高层的党领导人继续与来自全国各地的人大代表和政协委员参加小组讨论。
- The CPPCC members come from all walks of life,including experienced political activists,well-known figures from various walks of life,and experts and scholars in various fields. 社会各界都有人担任全国政协委员。他们中有经验丰富的政治活动家、成就卓著的专家学者和各方面的著名人士。
- Xia Jiajun 夏家骏
- To organize the respondence to suggestions of the NPC representatives and proposals of CPPCC members; to undertake complaint correspondence work of the Customs Office. 组织答复全国人大代表建议、全国政协委员提案,承办总署机关信访工作。
- The US$586 billion economic stimulus plan, which the central government rolled out in November, has been welcomed by the CPPCC members as a much-needed fillip to raise growth. 中央政府于11月制定了5,860亿美元的经济刺激方案。该方案受到了政协委员的好评,大家都认为在这种情况下经济需要有一个大的反弹。
- NPC attaches great importance to suggestions, advice and proposals for the work of CPPCC members, 108 people's deputies and CPPCC members 81 required basicban jie proposal. 高度重视人大代表建议、意见和政协委员提案办理工作,108件人民代表建设和81件政协委员提案按要求基本办结。