- The study works have important signification to deeply understand the reacting feature of CFB FGD and seek absorbent with high desulfurization efficiency. 本研究工作对深入了解烟气循环流化床脱硫过程的反应特性,寻求高效的脱硫吸收剂等有重要意义。
- FGD Technolgy of Boilers in Power Plant of TISCO. 太钢发电厂锅炉的烟气脱硫技术。
- Development of CFB Boiler in Harbi Boiler Company Ltd. 哈锅循环流化床锅炉的发展历程。
- Heat insulating for CFB boilers and other kinds of boilers. 流化床锅炉及各种锅炉保温。
- FGD series high-low the FD series, It can easy to use only push convert switch. FGD系列高低温箱是在FD系列低温箱上进一步配置电热管,更能扩大使用范围。公用一个转换开关,即可使用。
- Chemical Cleaning for CFB Boiler of Power Plant of Dalian Chemical Industry Co. 一台热电厂循环流化床锅炉的化学清洗。
- A Study on Fuzzy-PIDControl of Main Steam Temperature in a CFB Boiler CFB. 锅炉主汽温。
- The measures of lowering the emission of SO2 and NOx for CFB are introduced. 介绍目前流化床锅炉采用的减轻SO2和NOx的排放的措施和影响因素。
- NaOH addition can raise the level of sorbent reactivity and reduce the sorbent cost in a semidry or dry FGD process. 添加氢氧化钠可以提升吸收剂之反应性,并且可降低半乾式或乾式烟道气除硫程序的成本。
- These technologies are essentially applied in power plants such as CFB and IGCC. 清洁燃烧技术主要有循环流化床燃烧技术、整体式煤气化联合循环(IGCC)技术,主要用于发电厂。
- The cooling water required for FGD area will be supplied from the cooling water system. 此系统主要提供烟气脱硫系统所需的冷却水。
- Abstract: The theory of FGD process in Jet Bubbling Reactor using limestone was study as a guidance in this article. 摘要:摘要:本文以喷射鼓泡脱硫原理为指导,尝试利用回归分析方法对数据进行处理,通过主要参数建立脱硫率函数,实现定量性分析。
- The Unique Blade Louver Damper with heared sear air is the solution to large crosssection/high temperature damper applications such as Air Heater Isolation,FGD Systems. 带加热密封空气的单层叶片百叶窗式档板门;可用于大截面烟道档板门和高温档板门.;例如:空气加热器的隔绝门;烟气脱硫系统中
- Scaling is one of the main problems which relate the operation reliability of wet limestone/lime FGD. 结垢是影响石灰石/石灰湿法烟气脱硫系统运行安全性的主要问题之一。
- Engineering Design of 450 t/h CFB Boiler in Baoding Cogeneration Power Plant, Datang Power Generation Co. 大唐保定热电厂450t/h CFB锅炉工程设计
- We attack the mode of CFB, double CBC, double CFB et. al under the error oracle attack model. 在错误预言模型下对CFB、多重CBC、多重CFB等模式进行了攻击。
- Limestone wet desulphurization is a FGD technology widely used the most worldwide at present. 石灰石湿法脱硫工艺是现阶段世界范围内应用最为广泛的烟气脱硫工艺。
- According to its operation principle and the function in FGD apparatus,the essay discusses its lectotype principle. 根据其基本原理和在整个湿法烟气脱硫装置中的作用,探讨了水力旋流器的选型原则。
- Sillimanite refractory castable is good in use at combustion zone in CFB boilers. 硅线石耐火浇注料适用于流化床锅炉的燃烧部位。
- Analysis on the wear reason of buried pipe system for coal-sline CFB and its solving measures are presented herein. 介绍某循环流化床锅炉埋管系统损坏原因及解决方法。