- You know he is a member of the CCP . 你知道他是中国共产党的一个成员。
- Are you CCP(the member of Chinese Communist Party)? 你是不是共产党员?(最好回答不是)
- The CCP has been caring about culture construction. 摘要中国共产党一贯重视文化建设。
- Hunan Revolutionist Group and the Foundation of CCP. 湘籍革命家群体与中国共产党的创建。
- Which alternatives do Chinese people have except fawning on CCP? 中国人民除了奉承中共还有什么选择?
- The debate promoted the CCP to present New-Democracy Theory. 论战是新民主主义理论体系的形成契机。
- The CCP's 16th Congress especially proposed the impo... 这必将引起我国金融制度、金融组织和金融工具的一系列创新。
- What is more, Nanhu District is the birthplace of the CCP. 南湖区是中国共产党的诞生地。
- Conclusion:CCP has significant in vitro effect of... 结论:桂枝在体外有明显的抑菌作用。
- The history testifies indisputably that CCP is invincible. 历史一再无可辩驳地证明:中共是不可战胜的!
- Stressing Healthy Trends is a Good Tradition Advocated throughout by CCP. 讲正气是中国共产党始终倡导的民族优良传统。
- The value of CPK,AST and LDH in CCP group was higher than that in BCP group. CPK、AST、LDH值均显示较CCP组低。
- Some one had said:CCP cannot last one day without military and police. 有道是:没有军队和警察,中共一天也活不下去。
- The Sino-Japanese War made strange bedfellows of the KMT and the CCP. 中日战争使国民党和共产党成了同床异梦的伙伴。
- To promote democracy selection institution is the kennel content of CCP democracy construction. 党内民主选举制度是党内民主建设的核心内容。
- The patients were seropositive for autoantibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP). 患者循环血液中抗瓜氨酸多肽的自身抗体(CCP)的血清学反应呈阳性。
- The CCP asked to exert the principal role of farmers in her files about New-Country Construction. 摘要中央在有关新农村建设的文件中明确提出要发挥农民的主体作用。
- To conduct a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess a CCP is under control. 执行有计划的观察与测定,以评估CCP是否在控制之下。
- On the Opportunities and Challenges Confronted with the Construction of Advanced Nature of the CCP in new era. 探析新时期党的先进性建设面临的机遇和挑战。
- The actions to be taken when the results of monitoring the CCP indicate a loss of control. 当监测结果显示CCP失控时,所应采取的措施。