- childhood celiac disease 儿童腹部疾病
- A consequence of pathological changes in the gut mucosa, as seen in celiac disease or inflammations. 乳糜泻或炎症引起内脏黏膜病变的结果。
- There is blunting and flattening of villi with celiac disease, and in severe cases a loss of villi with flattening of the mucosa as seen here. 脂痢病肠绒毛变扁平,严重病例黏膜扁平、绒毛缺失,如右图所示。
- Ceratin people are sensitive to gluten (celiac disease) and must have a gluten-free diet. 某些对谷蛋白敏感(乳糜泻患者)的人必须食用不含谷蛋白的食物。
- Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) or Duhring's Disease, is a skin disorder often associated with celiac disease. 什么是'疱疹性皮炎-皮疹从面筋敏感性'?
- Oats are a hard case, since their role in triggering celiac disease is the subject of some disagreement among experts. 燕麦是一个很难,因为他们的作用,引发腹腔疾病是受到一些专家之间的分歧。
- For more information on celiac disease, see the Living Well and Coping with Celiac Disease post. 如果要了解更多关于腹腔疾病的信息,请参阅如何生活和抵抗腹腔疾病的海报。
- They have also observed unusual concentrations of sodium and potassium in patients with celiac disease, a disorder in digesting fats. 他们还发现,脂性下痢(一种脂肪消化障碍)患者的毛发中含钾、钠的量不正常。
- An accurate dietary history is critical.Reports of diarrhea beginning with the introduction of wheat cereal suggest celiac disease. 准确的饮食史很关键,始于食用小麦类食品引起的腹泻提示有乳糜泻。
- The prevalence of celiac disease confirmed by biopsy was 3.4% among the osteoporotic population and 0.2% among the nonosteoporotic population. 经过切片检查的确认,骨质疏松者的腹腔疾病流行度为3.;4%25,非骨质疏松者则为0
- What Are the Sensitivity and Specificity of Serologic Tests for Celiac Disease? Do Sensitivity and Specificity Vary in Different Populations? 乳糜泻血清学检测的敏感性和特异性如何?敏感性和特异性随着人群的不同而变化吗?
- Those with biopsy-proven celiac disease received a gluten-free diet and were followed for improvement in bone mineral density. 经过切片确认的腹腔疾病患者,必须使用不含麸质的饮食,并且对骨质密度的进展进行追踪。
- Celiac Disease is a whole body disease by manifesting diarrhea after uptake of gluten.It is a disease involving immune system. 乳糜泻(CD)是遗传易感者摄入麸质后,由免疫系统介导的以乳糜样腹泻为主的全身性疾病。
- Method: We detected 128 patients with celiac disease by using high frequency probe and color Doppler flow imaging.Their pathology was confirmed by operation. 方法:用高频探头和凸阵探头及彩色多普勒检查腹部疾病128例,并进行了比较,所有病例经过手术证实。
- Celiac Damage: Gluten-sensitive patients, even those without full-fledged celiac disease, had higher mortality rates than a control group, according to a study in JAMA. 根据美国医学会(JAMA)的一项研究,对麦类过敏的人,即使没有明显的腹腔疾病乳糜泻,他们的死亡率也要高于对照组。
- They propose a role for this structural rearrangement in the early stages of celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder in which TG2 is the principal auto-antigen. 他们提出一个角色,为这种结构性重排是在初期阶段的腹腔疾病,自身免疫性疾病,其中tg2是主要的自动抗原。
- Biopsy-confirmed celiac disease was confirmed in 117 patients.Serum was sent to four commercial laboratories for analysis, and the results from those labs were compared. 其中,117位患者经切片证实为腹腔病变,他们的血清皆经过四所商业实验室的分析,各实验室的分析结果皆拿来作比较。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- "If the prevalence of celiac disease among the osteoporotic population is 3.4%, it would cost about $1500 to identify a celiac disease patient by serologic screening. 如果骨质疏松者的腹腔疾病流行度为3.;4%25,腹腔疾病患者的每一次血清筛选费用则为%241500。
- I spent my early childhood in my hometown. 我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代。