- No buyers can buy this sort of product. 任何买主都不能购买这种产品。
- I will not advise you to buy this used camera. 我劝您不要买这架旧照相机。
- We all pitched in to buy this gift. 这是我们大伙凑钱给您买的礼物。
- We got screwed when we bought this house. 我们买这所房子上当了。
- It can save fuel to buy this kind of car. 买这种省油的汽车。
- We seldom buy this sort of goods. 我们很少买这种货。
- He will buy this painting at any price. 他将不惜任何代价买下这幅画。
- My uncle consented to buy this house. 我叔叔同意买这幢房子。
- I bought this second-hand car dirt cheap. 我买了这辆旧车,便宜极了。
- I bought this sound house for a song. 我以低价买了这所完好无损的房子。
- We were crazy to buy this place. 我们买这套房间真是干了件蠢事。
- I bought this watch at a low price. 我以便宜的价钱买了这只表。
- I bought this coffeepot in England. 我在英格兰买了这个咖啡壶。
- Good afternoon. I buy this here this morning. 下午好,今天上午我在这里买了这件东西。
- This is the best price you can buy this camera at. 买这款相机的话,这个价位是最低的了。
- I wouldn't advise you to buy this used camera. 我劝您不要买这架旧照相机。
- Anyone who buys this breakfast food gets a free gift of a fine greeting card. 购买这份早餐食物的人都可得到一张免费的精美贺卡。
- You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase! 你不能劝服我买这个丑陋的花瓶!
- Yes. I want to buy this sandwich. How much is it? 嗯。我想买这个三明治。多少钱?
- Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas. 这个圣诞节电脑游戏很畅销。