- But all hope is in vain 但所有的希望都是虚妄
- We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move,but all in vain. 我们千方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济于事。
- He carried a torch for that pretty woman, but all in vain. 他一厢情愿的爱那美女,但一切均徒然。
- We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move, but all in vain. 我们千方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济於事。
- Your praying is in vain It'll all be over soon! 你祈祷是徒劳!一切就要完了!
- Though many may depend on military strength for deliverance and safety, their hope is in vain (vv.16-17). 虽然许多人民想靠军力得救、得保障,但他们的筹算却是枉然(16-17节)。
- The wait is long, I make all hope is useful. 等待是漫长的,我做出的一切希望是有用的。
- It is in vain for you to control me. 你别想控制我。
- It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. 先生,大事化小,小事化无的做法无济于事。
- Stowe tried every means to pull his business through, but all in vain. 斯托千方百计想使他的企业免于失败,但白费力气。
- He is in hospil tal,and we are all hoping for him. 他住院了,我们都为他祈祷祝福。
- He is in hospil tal, and we are all hoping for him. 他住院了,我们都为他祈祷祝福。
- Stowe tried every means to pull his business through,but all in vain. 斯托千方百计想使他的企业免于失败,但白费力气。
- He had taught, reproved, warned, invited, and interceded, but all in vain. 今晚在你身上的沈重担子是甚麽?带到上帝面前吧!
- My sister is very ramstam,it is in vain to change her mind. 我妹妹很固执,你要她改变心意根本就是白费力气。
- We did our best to waken the man who had taken an overdose of opium, but all to no purpose (or all in vain). 我们尽力地要把吞了过量鸦片的这个人弄醒,可是全无效果。
- In our patient, we tried valproate, clonazepam, and verapamil one after another, but all in vain. 然而,这些手术是非常昂贵的,而且需要承担手术的风险。
- If this happens,the decade of struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four will have been in vain,China will once again be plunged into chaos,division,retrogression and darkness,and the Chinese people will be deprived of all hope. 那样,我们同林彪、“四人帮”的十年斗争就等于白费,中国就将重新陷于混乱、分裂、倒退和黑暗,中国人民就将失去一切希望。
- It had been previously announced the wound was mortal, but all hoped otherwise. 尽管先前宣布总统的伤是致命的,但所有人都希望他没事。
- The day was hot, and the Sheriff men sweated in their armour as they beat and searched the thickets of the forest, but all in vain. 这天天气酷热,当郡长的人身穿盔甲在挥打森林的矮丛时,汗流浃背,但是均徒劳无功。