- But will suffer the arrestment. 但都会遭受到阻止.
- Subsistence agriculture will suffer the most. 自给农业受害将最严重。
- The exposed portion of the ship above water will suffer the greatest. 船只露出水面的部分所受破坏最大。
- Many people will suffer the pain of losing their families because of the war. 许多人将会因为这场战争而遭受失去亲人的痛苦。
- The bad man will suffer eternal damnation. 坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。
- The idea sounds good but will it work in practice? 这主意听起来不错,但在实践中行得通吗?
- The index also reflects fears that other large funds will suffer the same ignominy as Bear's. 指数同时反应了人们对贝尔登斯旗下这样的大型基金也将无法幸免的担心。
- She is strange to the work but will soon learn. 她对这个工作还很生疏,但很快就会学会的。
- Such harm will be redirected back into one's field and one will suffer the energetic consequences. 这种伤害会被改变运行轨迹并回到他的能量场里,让他随后受到这股能量的伤害。
- Volgin: Each time you resist, your lover will suffer the consequences. Is that clear? 每次你抵抗,都会让你的情人受到惩罚,还不明白吗?
- It overlooks, first of all, that consumers will suffer the loss of that product. 首先,它忽视了如果某些产品停产,消费者将蒙受损失。
- The riot led to the arrest of three young men. 暴乱导致3 个年轻人被捕。
- However, the only son or daughter from broken families, though innocent, will suffer the unhappiness and misfortune their parents have left. 然而解体家庭无辜的独生子女,却要遭受他们父母亲所造成的不幸。
- Radio contact with the ship has been lost but will soon be restored. 与那艘船的无线电联系已中断,但很快会恢复。
- Since Preemption strategy will suffer the world, surely it should be resisted and have confronted with much difficulty to maintain. “先发制人”的战略必遭国际社会的反对而终将难以维系。
- He swore out a warrant for the arrest of the man who had hit him. 他发誓控告属实而得到逮捕状去逮捕那个打了他的人。
- Without pleasure and happiness shared by friends or family members, you will suffer the feeling of solitariness beyond you. 没有朋友分享的快乐,没有家人共享的幸福,即使你已功成名就,那孤独感也会令你不堪承受。
- The real cause of the riot is unclear, but the occasion is the arrest of two men. 骚乱的真正原因不明,但起因是由于逮捕了两名男子。
- Yet Ukraine will suffer the effects of the 1986 Chernobyl accident for years to come: Millio of its citize are affected by radiation-related ailments. 病痛;在86年的核泄漏中,有数以百万的人受到了不同程度的核辐射。
- It's a clever plan, but will it get by? 这是一个聪明的计划,但它能成功吗?