- The reason is not cheeseparing but the pay without the basis of feeling is a waste. 不是因为吝啬,而是没有感情基础的付出只是浪费。
- The reason isn't the French or Spanish teams but the one that hails from Scotland. 我并不是说西班牙和法国的那两支球队(马竞、圣日耳曼),我指的是来自苏格兰的那个客队(流浪者)。
- Tiitinen, who is based in the countrys southern island, Phuket, its about peace of mind: My wife is not yet home, (but the reason is) a traffic jam. 蒂蒂宁是位芬兰人,目前居住在泰国南部的普吉岛。
- Interestingly, the IGF2 expression was higher in Tongcheng than that in Landrace pigs at all three prenatal stages studied, but the reason is still unknown. 有趣的是,在所研究的三个胚胎时期,IGF2的表达在通城猪中均高于长白猪,其原因值得深入研究。
- You may be wondering why we had to go into such great detail about strong names, but the reasoning is fairly simple. 您或许正在纳闷为什么我们需要如此详细地讨论强名称,其实原因非常简单。
- Some people say you should hunt down the snake and kill it.Revenge is sweet and all, but the reason is so the doctor will know what kind of antivenin to use. 有人说您必须找到那条袭击你的蛇,并杀了它,复仇固然大快人心,但这么做主要是让医生知道应该用哪一种血清。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- INTRODUCTION :The reason is extension of human’s retional knowledge genenally speaking, It’s objectivity and actuality, but the sculpture shows to link soft and smooth winding with solid line. 作品简介 : 理智是人类理性的外化,在习惯的理解中,理性是客观的、现实的。
- Effort. Sometimes communicating is plain hard work--but the rewards are worth it! 努力:有时候交流是一件很困难的事,但是当你见到成效的时候就觉得是值得的。
- None but the best is good enough for my child. 只有最好的才配得上我的孩子。
- Reliable statistics are hard to come by, not least because many factories operate in a legal netherworld, but the severity of the slump is plain. 准确数字很难获得,不仅仅是因为很多工厂是违法经营,而且还因为这场”暴跌”来的太猛烈了。
- The result was catastrophic, but the reason behind it was simple. 结局是悲惨的,但是隐藏在背后的原因是简单的。
- I tried to call Mr. Smith, but the line is busy. 我给史密斯先生的打电话,结果占线了。
- I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line is busy. 我试着打电话给库珀先生,但是线路忙。
- The plane is the fast but the hovercraft is more comfortable. 乘飞机最快,但是乘气垫船更舒服。
- But the reason why it is cheap will not be concerned as after as its cheapness. 但为什么会便宜却很少有人关心。
- The job is tedious, but the pay is good. 这工作乏味但工钱不少。
- The body is material but the soul is immaterial. 躯体是有形的,而灵魂是无形的。
- On the one hand, it is because of the lag of the economy development, but the most important reason is the system. 一方面是因为我国经济发展水平、管理能力等的落后,但更深层次的原因则是体制方面的问题。
- The love of some people is but the result of good supper. 有些人的爱情,只不过是晚饭吃得好的结果。