- But she knew she must. 但她知道她必须这样做。
- She knew she must not fall prey to his charm. 她清楚她绝不可以被他迷住。
- Typical mistake: She knew she must keep calmly. Correction: She knew she must keep calm. 她知道她现在必须保持镇定。
- Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning, but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger, bulkier males. 作为一个牛头怪角斗士,安骓亚凭借其金属丝般的力量和极端的诡诈赢得过一些胜利,但她知道自己很快就会被某个更加强大的男性杀死。
- She knew she must keep calm. 她知道她必须保持冷静。
- She knows he is a spy, but she doesn't know whether he knows she is a spy too, so and he. 她知道他是特工,但是她不知道他知不知道自己也是特工。他的情况也是一样。
- She knew she must keep fit. 她知道她必须保持体形。
- She knew she must keep calm . 她知道她必须保持冷静。
- Mary is very clear-eyed. She knows she doesn't have much chance of winning the competition,but she will try her best. 玛丽十分清楚她在竞赛中获胜的可能性很小,但她将尽全力。
- She knows she must not show the slightest feeling or she will give herself away. 她知道她不能流露一点感情,否则就会暴露自己。
- But she knows she has a curse on her, a curse she cannot win. For if someone gets too close to her, the pins stick farther in. 但她知道有个诅咒,今生永远难逃离。如果有人靠近她,针会深刺进心里。
- When Mary Dooley's husband is killed in the night's events, she knows she must graft to keep the family afloat. 中文概要:黑暗的都市角落,看三代女性如何迎战罪恶的冲击。
- She knew that was a mistake,but she bit anyway. 她明知那里是错误的,但是还是上当受骗了。
- But she made no sign that she knew or suspected. 但是爱伦却佯装不知,不露任何声色。
- No, but she must have a lack of calcium. 顾客:没有,不过,她肯定是缺钙。
- From then on she knew she would win. 她从那时起就知道自己会得胜。
- Lucy: But she must be at least forty. 露西:但她至少有四十岁了。
- The lady knew she must keep calm. 这位女士知道她必须保持镇静。
- At one time she must have been a handsome woman, but she had run slightly to seed. 她从前一定是一个漂亮的女人,但现在她有些衰老了。
- B.I know She must be up to something. 我知道她一定是有所企图才会这么做的.