- But United are unrepentant. 要球票的人将会更多,我们认为球赛的水平物有所值。”
- But United are hoping to get Kieron Dyer back sometime next month as the little midfielder battles to save his career which is threatened by his long-standing groin problems. 但是联队希望中场戴尔能够回归,这名中场球员在很长的时间都受腹股沟的伤病困扰。
- As it is a competitive fixture Serbia have first call on Vidic, but United are hoping he may be freed to play against Bolton. 塞尔维亚事先就在这个比赛日召唤维迪奇,但是曼联此时希望他们能放行维迪奇在对博尔顿的比赛中上场。
- They would like nothing more than to clinch the league crown in a match against their closest rivals, but United are intent on prolonging Chelsea's celebrations. 他们一定非常想期望在最大的对手身上赢得冠军,但是曼联决定要推迟切尔西的庆典。
- Bossen sent his match report to the Football Association but United were encouraged to appeal and assured it would be dealt with sympathetically. Bossen将比赛报告送到足总,而曼联作出了上诉,并认为此事会被仁慈地对待。
- United are playing a blinder of a game. 联队在比赛中表现棒极了。
- He killed them because they were unrepentant. 因为他们不肯悔改,他就杀死了他们。
- Manchester United are playing away this weekend. 曼联队本周将客场作战。
- Manchester United were hammered 5-1. 曼彻斯特联队以1比5惨败。
- Will the entire unit be installed at site? 全部设备是否都在现场安装?
- He will do this to those who reject his words or who do not follow his commandments and are unrepentant. 他将对那些拒绝他话或者不遵从他的戒律又不悔改的人关上神国的门。
- Which unit be? How Mo connection? 是哪个单位的?怎麽联系?
- For example, sales amount can sensibly be summed, but unit price should be averaged. 例如,可以明显地对销售量进行汇总,但单位价格应当是平均值。
- Manchester United are trying to lure the Bayern Munich star to Old Trafford, but the German giants do not want to sell. 曼联正在试图吸引这位拜仁球星加盟老特拉福德,但是德国人并不希望出售他们的宝贝。
- The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecute the dissenter. 尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论,在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的。
- West Ham United are in talks with Roma defender Matteo Ferrari. 西汉姆联正在与罗马后卫费拉里谈判。
- For his part, the Liverpool manager was unrepentant, arguing yesterday that David Gill, the United chief executive, is too powerful an influence at Soho Square. 在他这边,利物浦经理不知悔改。他昨天还说曼联CEO吉尔在足总的影响力太大。
- The sandstone and shale units are of the same age. 砂岩和页岩单元是同时的。
- At present many units are overstaffed. 现在很多单位人浮于事。
- Sequences of rock units are incompletely known. 岩石单元的层序了解得不完全。