- But Scotland Yard was stumped. 但是伦敦警察厅却一筹莫展。
- Two people were arrested yesterday but Scotland Yard denied that they had been connected with the attempted bombings. 昨天有两个人被逮捕了,但是伦敦警察厅否认这两个人已经涉嫌这起爆炸未遂案。
- Scotland Yard was yesterday investigating the murder of Gerrard Barry, 17, who was stabbed to death in Newham, east London, on Thursday. Three "hoodies" were spotted leaving the scene. 苏格兰场昨日开始调查17岁的杰拉德·巴里被杀的凶手。巴里周二在伦敦东部的纽汉被人刺死。3名乌鸦帮的成员在离开案发地时被发现。
- Scotland Yard is/are investigating the crime. 伦敦警察厅正在对该罪案进行调查。
- I was on the point of ordering Stanley's arrest when Scotland Yard did it for me; they shot my fox! 我正要下令逮捕斯坦利,伦敦警察厅为我做了这件事,他们替我除掉了敌人。
- Everybody was stumped by the problem. 大家都被这个问题难住了。
- But he was stumped by one question. 不过,有个问题却让他卡壳了。
- After examination and interview, I was transferred to Scotland Yard. 在考试和面试后,我被调到了苏格兰场。
- But he was stumped by the gloomy profundities of Loch Ness. 但是他却在幽暗深邃的尼斯湖水面前受了阻。
- Scotland Yard has/have been called in. 已向伦敦警察厅报了案。
- That stretch of forest was stumped quickly. 那片树林很快就被砍光了。
- The yard was hemmed around by an iron fence. 庭院有铁栅栏围绕着。
- He was stumped for words in which to reply. 他被难住了,找不出话来回答。
- The yard was overblown by snow from the roof. 屋顶上的雪吹了一院子。
- But when it came to tackling today's shrinking job market, I was stumped. 不过,当谈到如何应对眼下不断萎缩的就业市场时,我被难住了。
- Scotland Yard detailed an officerto guard his house. 苏格兰警察厅派了一名警官去守卫他的房子。
- Scotland Yard detailed an officer to guard his house. 苏格兰警察厅派了一名警官去守卫他的房子。
- Kate was stumped for words(= unable to answer). 凯特张口结舌。
- The yard was littered with bottles and cans. 院子里瓶瓶罐罐丢得满地零乱。
- Everybody was stumped by the problem . 大家都被这个问题难住了.