- But I keep getting funny noise. 但我总听到一种有趣的噪声。
- I've been trying to call her, but I keep getting a busy signal. 我不停的打电话给他,但老是占线。
- I keep trying to get Keith to tidy his room but I'm fighting a losing battle. 我一直要基思整理自己的房间,但看来我这样做是徒劳的。
- I called him, but could not get through. I keep getting a busy signal. 我打电话给他,但是没有打通,电话总是占线。
- What's the matter? I keep getting my lines crossed. 怎么回事?我总打不通电话。
- I keep asking Ian if he wants to take part but I cannot pin him down. 我一直在问伊恩是否要参加,但我绝无强迫他表态的意思。
- I keep get these headache when I go home at night. 晚上回家时我老觉得头痛。
- I keep getting different feedback. 我常会听到不一样的意见。
- I keep getting busted and go to Jail!!!!!! 记住我忘记密码了?
- There was nothing,of course,but I keep looking. 当然,可想而知,那里根本就没有多余的工作给我,但是,我仍旧不死心,继续寻找。
- There was nothing, of course, but I keep looking. 当然,可想而知,那里根本就没有多余的工作给我,但是,我仍旧不死心,继续寻找。
- I keep getting these headaches when I go home at night. 晚上回家时我老觉得头痛。
- I keep getting this headache when I go home at night. 晚上回家时我老觉得头痛。
- I'm trying to add Flog Blog, and I keep getting an error. 让您和亲朋好友保持联系,随时分享生活中的每一刻。
- But I kept getting this particular species, these indolent cannibals, who liked to hang around the corner in the vicinity of their parents and children and do nothing, never leave. 但我不断地得到一些特殊物种,游手好闲的食人族:他们喜欢在其父母和子女附近的角落里闲逛,什么也不做的,永远也不离开。
- I'm trying to think of the name but I keep drawing a blank. 我想记起那个名字,就是想不起来。
- They all ran forward , but I kept back . 他们都向前跑,但我留在后面。
- It looked like an eagle but it made a funny noise. 它看起来好像是只鹰,但是有着很奇怪的噪音。”
- But I kept rhymin &stepwritin the next cypher. 但我继续呤唱,下次仍然决心站在舞台中央。
- I keep getting these pains in my back but the doctor says there's nothing wrong with me and it's all in the mind. 我的背上一直这么痛,但医生说没有什么毛病,是想象出来的问题。