- He drought along a file of document to back up his claim. 他随身携带一卷宗文件以便证实索赔要求。
- Above them was a central bureau of cooperatives. 它们的上面则是合作社总局。
- The desk was covered with a litter of documents. 书桌上满满地放着一堆杂乱的文件。
- Where is the State Tax Bureau of Xihu District? 纳税人:西湖区国税局在哪里?
- Better Business Bureau of Mainland B.C. 卑诗大陆商业促进会。
- He brandished a sheaf of documents. 他手里挥舞着一扎文件。
- Jan: Kunaev elected to Bureau of CC Kazakhstan. 库纳耶夫入选哈萨克政治局,任部长会议主席。
- Bureau of Economic Analysis of U.S. 美国商务部经济分析局;
- He waved a sheaf of documents at me. 他手拿一叠文件朝我晃了晃。
- Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau S.A.R. 澳门特别行政区政府文化局。
- She worked her way through the pile of documents. 她从头至尾处理了那一堆文件。
- An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 美国联邦调查局的调查员
- A collection of documents on a given subject. 某一给定题目的资料集。
- Sources: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture. 资料来源:北京市文化局。
- DCC: The abbreviation of Documents Control Centre. 2文件控制员:DCC(文件控制中心)的工作人员。
- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Taiwan. 資料來源:我國經濟部國貿局。
- To liaise with Audit Bureau of the Customs Office. 联系审计署海关审计局。
- Source: Bureau of Entry and Exit, NPA, MOI, ROC. 资料来源:内政部警政署入出境管理局。
- Associateship at the National Bureau of Standards. 作者 :Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards.
- What kind of document is an invoice? 发票是什么样的文件呢?