- Burden and Standard of Proof 二、证明责任和证明标准
- The so-called revolution scarcely seemed to have impinged upon the habits and standard of living of the wealthy. 那场所谓的革命似乎对富人们的生活习惯和生活水平没什么影响。
- The Evidence Evaluation and Standard of Proof in Administrative Litigation 行政诉讼中的证据评价与证明标准
- Expert knowledge in the codes and standards of respective markets. 熟悉掌握所在市场的行业标准和规范。
- standard of allocation of burden of proof 举证责任的分配标准
- Know property, design and standard of fitting, adaptor and hose assembly. 了解各类液压管接头、软管总成的产品性能、设计及相关标准。
- The onus of proof lies with you. 你有责任提供证据。
- The second question is that of the burden of proof. 第二个问题是举证责任的问题。
- Standard of proof means the degree regulated by law of proving the facts with evidence . 证明标准是指法律规定的运用证据证明待证事实所要达到的程度的要求。
- The prepotency of criminal definitive fact has a special scope and extent, based on the higher standard of proof. 基于刑事判决较高的证明标准,其既判事实预决力有特殊的效力范围和效力程度。
- The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. 证明的重担便落到了被告头。
- Burden of proof in civil proceedings II. 民事证明责任研究2。
- The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone. 唯有检方负有举证责任
- The burden of proof rests on him. 他必须拿出证据来。
- establishing responsibility system of adducing evidence and standards of proof which are different with review of legality . 确立区别于合法性审查的举证责任制度和标准证明。
- Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war. 战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低。
- Standard of proof, also called yardstick of proof or demand of proof, is the degree of proof what the judge is required when determining the facts of a case. 证明标准(standard of proof),又称证明尺度、证明要求,是法官在诉讼中认定案件事实所要达到的证明程度。
- Hiked With a Heavy Burden and Relay Race by bike. 九:负重徒步和自行车接力。
- How to establish the standard of proof of guilt,which is the highest standard of criminal testification,is the central issue of related debates in educational circles. 作为刑事证明的最高标准,即有罪判决的证明标准的确立,已成为近几年来我国刑事证据理论界及实务界争议较大的热点问题之一。
- Is your statement susceptible of proof? 你的说法能加以证实吗?