- Keywords Bulbus Notholirii Bulbuleferum;Taibai Mountain;Soil Composition;Reasons of being in danger; 太白米;太白山;土壤成分;濒危因素;
- Bulbus Notholirii Bulbuleferum 太白米
- Method Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii,Radix Paeoniae Alba,Radix Astragali were identified by TLC. 方法采用TLC对本处方中浙贝母、白芍、黄芪进行鉴别。
- Objective:To compare influence of different drugs to the quantities of alkaloids of Bulbus Fritillariae thunbergii . 目的:比较不同药物对浙贝母生物碱含量的影响。
- Conclusion The RAPD technique can be taken as a effective identification for commercial crude drug Bulbus Lilii. 结论RAPD技术完全可以作为商品药材的一种较好的鉴别方法。
- Objective: To determine the effect of package upon quality of honey-fried Bulbus Lilil. 摘要目的:考察不同包装材料对百合质量的影响。
- Objective To improve the quality standard of Compound Bulbus Fritillariae Cough Syrup. 目的提高复方川贝止咳糖浆的质量标准,更好地控制产品的质量。
- Methods:Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbegii,Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Radix Glycyrrihizae were identified by TLC. 方法:采用TLC法对处方中的浙贝母、陈皮、甘草进行定性鉴别;
- Result Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii,Radix Paeoniae Alba,Radix Astragali could be detected by TLC. 结果在TLC色谱中检出浙贝母、白芍、黄芪。
- Objective: To determine the effect of package upon quality of honey-fried Bulbus Lilii. 目的:考察不同包装材料对百合质量的影响。
- In addition, Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae, Herba Cistanches have achieved by semi-works production. 在新制剂的研究方面,创新是主流,仿制已没有出路。
- Objective:Compare the effect on alkaloids of Bulbus Fritillariae thunbergii in different menstruum. 目的:比较不同溶媒对浙贝母生物碱含量的影响。
- Conclusion;Vacuum package and paper-plastic package are better than polyethylene package in avouching for the quality of honey-fried Bulbus Lilii. 结论:真空复合包装和纸塑包装比聚乙烯塑袋包装更能保证蜜炙百合饮片的质量。
- The medicinal material in our business line covers Aweto, gen-seng, bird's nest, bulbus fritllariase thunbergi, medlar, Plam gen-seng, rhuberb. 公司现有员工68人,市场部48人,专业技术人员20人,公司从事冬虫夏草、西洋参、燕窝、川贝、枸杞、佛手参、大黄等原生态产品的收购、生产、加工、销售业务。
- Methods:Different extraction processes of Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae,treatment of snake-gall and mixture processes of the product were made. 方法:比较平贝母的提取工艺、蛇胆汁的处理方法和成品的配制工艺。
- OBJECTIVE To develop the acid hydrolysis acidic dye color metric method for the determination of alkaloid and gluco alkaloid in Bulbus Fritillariea . 目的 建立酸水解 酸性染料比色法同时测定贝母类药材中生物碱及生物碱苷含量的方法。
- Methods Polymorphic analysis was used for the commercial crude drug Bulbus Lilii with RAPD technique and a tree diagram was constructed. 方法采用RAPD技术对商品药材百合进行了多态性分析,并构建聚类树型图。
- Objective To identify the commercial medicinal materials Bulbus Lilii and the confused materials, and investigate a new identifying method for the medicinal materials. 摘要目的鉴别商品药材百合及其混淆品,探讨商品药材鉴别的新方法。
- On the MS culture medium containing seme phytohormones, regenerated Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosaecan induce without low temperature callus which differentiates into a plant. 川贝母再生鳞茎在一定激素组合的MS培养基上.可不经低温直接产生愈伤组织并进一步分化成小植株。
- Objective: To investigate the effects of Migaoxinle Drop Pills (Migao Cinnamon anel Bulbus Allii Macrostemi) (MDP) on cats with experimental myocardial ischemid. 目的:观察米槁心乐滴丸对实验性心肌缺血的保护作用。