- Bulbochaete monilen. 念珠毛鞘藻
- The Shaolin Temple's eminant monk enshrines monile numbers , this man spent 82 thousands Yuan RMB to be enshrined one . 少林寺高僧开光手机号码。此人以八万两千元拍得一个。
- The temmoku pharmaceutical industry takes the Zhejiang Province Key enterprise, in the future the iron-covered dendrobium monile industry will bring the huge profit hopefully for the company. 天目药业作为浙江省重点企业,未来铁皮石斛产业有望为公司带来巨大利润。
- The temmoku pharmaceutical industry takes Zhejiang Province's Key enterprise, in the future the iron-covered dendrobium monile industry will bring the huge profit origin hopefully for the company. 作为这样一支基本面好转、业绩大增且具备当前热点之一即港珠澳大桥概念的个股,后市有望出现机会,投资者可适当关注。
- Bulbochaete intermedia f. microsporan. 中型毛鞘藻小孢变型
- Bulbochaete varians var. subsimplexn. 变异毛鞘藻寡枝变种
- Bulbochaete crenulata var. supramedianan. 圆齿毛鞘藻中上位变种
- Bulbochaete mirabilis var. macrosporan. 奇异毛鞘藻大孢变种
- Bulbochaete mirabilis var. brevisporan. 奇异毛鞘藻短孢变种
- Bulbochaete tenera var. kwangtungensisn. 柔弱毛鞘藻广东变种
- Bulbochaete tenera var. longisporan. 柔弱毛鞘藻长孢变种
- Bulbochaete insignis var. reticulatan. 特出毛鞘藻网纹变种
- Bulbochaete sphaerospora f. hupehensisn. 球孢毛鞘藻湖北变型
- Bulbochaete rhadinospora f. antiquan. 瘦孢毛鞘藻古老变种
- Bulbochaete retangularis var. hiloensisn. 矩形毛鞘藻喜洛变种
- Bulbochaete tenuis var. abbreviatan. 纤细毛鞘藻短缩变种
- Bulbochaete elatior var. dissimilisn. 较高毛鞘藻异形变种
- Bulbochaete sinensis var. subpyriformisn. 中华毛鞘藻梨形变种
- Bulbochaete intermedia var. depressan. 中型毛鞘藻扁孢变种
- Bulbochaete varians var. antiquan. 变异毛鞘藻古老变种