- Bulbochaete insignis var. reticulatan. 特出毛鞘藻网纹变种
- Bulbochaete insignis var. undulato-costatan. 特出毛鞘藻波肋变种
- Bulbochaete insignisn. 特出毛鞘藻
- Brainia insignis ( Hook. ) J. Sm. 苏铁蕨
- Brainia insignis (Hook.) J. Sin. 苏铁蕨
- Ceiba insignis (Kunth) Gibbs et Semir. 美丽异木棉
- Introduction test of Zenia insignis showed that the germination rate had close relation with temperature.The optimal sowing season was from the end of March to the early May. 引种试验表明,翅荚木发芽率与气温密切相关,3月下旬至5月上旬是丽水市播种翅荚木的最适时期;
- So, the cold-tolerance trait should be the key factor in Z. insignis provenance selection.The individual selection was the key to cultivate fast-growing fine varieties. 因此,抗寒性等特异性状的选择应该成为翅荚木种源选择的重点,单株选择是培育速生良种的关键。
- Here we introduces common exotic plant species to South Africa, such as Jacaranda acutifolia, Ceiba insignis, Spathodea campanulata, Camellia japonica, Bougainvillea spectabilis, etc. 本文介绍了南非园林绿化上常用的外来树种蓝花楹、美丽异木棉、火焰木、茶花、簕杜鹃等;
- Malacosoma insignis (Lajonquiere) 高山天幕毛虫
- Manglietia insignis (Wall.) Blume 红花木莲
- Berberis insignis subsp. incrassatan. 球果小檗
- Bulbochaete intermedia f. microsporan. 中型毛鞘藻小孢变型
- Bulbochaete varians var. subsimplexn. 变异毛鞘藻寡枝变种
- Bulbochaete crenulata var. supramedianan. 圆齿毛鞘藻中上位变种
- Bulbochaete mirabilis var. macrosporan. 奇异毛鞘藻大孢变种
- Bulbochaete mirabilis var. brevisporan. 奇异毛鞘藻短孢变种
- Bulbochaete tenera var. kwangtungensisn. 柔弱毛鞘藻广东变种
- Bulbochaete tenera var. longisporan. 柔弱毛鞘藻长孢变种
- Nitzschia insignis var. lanceolatan. 标炽菱形藻披针变种