- Building space environment 建筑空间环境
- Let arts work go into your building space and surroundings. 让艺术进入建筑空间和生活环境。
- ATK will design, build and install the virtual space environment called the Space Threat Assessment Testbed System, company officials said. ATK公司将设计、建造并安装这个虚拟的空间环境,该环境被称为空间威胁评估测试平台系统。
- Powerful nations are building space stations to share resources. 强国都纷纷建立太空站,分享太空资源。
- The surface layout and the lineal transportation are stressed to create a comfortable and pleasant space environment so as to promote the quality of the whole building. 注重医疗与办公的功能分区、平面布局和交通流线的组织,力求创造舒适的空间环境,以提升建筑的整体品质。
- This paper expatiates the necessity of building distributed near-earth space environment simulation platform from its essentiality to the human survival. 从近地空间环境对人类生存等的重要性方面阐述建立分布式近地空间环境仿真平台的必要性。
- Cultural factor has a great effect upon architectural space environment. 摘要文化因素对建筑空间环境有很大影响。
- Oversees the coordination of building space allocation and layout, communication services and facilities expansion. 预见建筑的分配和布局、沟通服务设施和设备扩建。
- Necessary measures should be adopted to protect the space environment and space resources in the course of international space cooperation. 国际空间合作应采取必要措施保护空间环境和空间资源。
- When building space on the ground becomes scarce use must be made of the space in the air. 当地上的空间变得缺乏时,就必需利用天上的空间。
- It supposedly stands for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging. 这个名字可以看成水星地表、太空环境、地理化学和全向遥测的缩写。
- In his work, he blends in the colour of Indian tradition and adornment abundantly the west in modern building space. 在他的作品中,他将印度传统的色彩和装饰大量地融入西方现代建筑空间中。
- We also built a model to simulate the power loss and mean-wavelength drift of DPB SFS in space environment. 我们利用辐射照射缺陷所造成的额外吸收中心模型,模拟其中一组掺铒光纤受辐射照射之功率损耗及平均波长变化。
- The space environment had stimulating mitosis action on root tip cells.Other mutagens had inhibiting mitosis action. 空间环境促进根尖细胞有丝分裂活动,其它诱变因素均不同程度地抑制根尖细胞有丝分裂活动。
- Budget Permitting, China Aims to Be Able to Put Man on Moon, Build Space Station in 15 Years. 如果经济预算允许,中国计划在15年后将人送到月球,在那里建立空间站。
- This article is about the modern automobile exhibition hall space environment design research paper. 本文是一篇关于现代汽车展厅空间环境设计研究的论文。
- Responsible for building space allocation and layout, communication services, utilities, furniture and facilities expansion. 负责工厂空间的利用和布局,通讯服务,能源利用,办公家具及厂务扩充。
- In the space environment control room at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) headquarters in Boulder, Colo. alarms sounded. 当时,位于科罗拉多州博尔德市的美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)总部的太空环境控制室警铃骤响。
- They help build space vehicles and millions of other products ranging from oil drilling rigs to automobiles. 以及空间设备和数以万计的其它产品,这些产品从石油钻塔设备到汽车。
- In the near future, human beings will be able to build space cities in which to live. 在不久的将来,人们可以在宇宙中建立属于我们人类的太空城。