- Bugled across five fields. 叫声越过五片田地。
- The neighbour's yearning bull Bulged across five fields. 邻居的公牛在吼,叫声充满期盼,五片田地外都能听见
- The Great Wall runs 6700 kilometers across five provinces. 长城跨越五省,共计六千七百公里。
- Could he enlist enough volunteers to put together a Puppy Express to transport Snoopy by stages across five states? 他能找到足够的志愿者组成横跨5个州的小狗快运吗?
- As shown in Lesson 3, the WeatherData event class has five fields: City, Date, Low, High, and Forecast. 第3课中显示WeatherData事件类有五个字段:City、Date、Low、High和Forecast。
- Along the way,they come across five obstacles while taking turns running and biking. 当轮到参赛者时也需完成跑步和骑车这些障碍。
- The reform of economic system in 2008 will achieve pragmatic progress in five fields. 2008年经济体制改革将在五大领域进行实质性突破。
- The University of Paris 1 has signed over 150 conventions with foreign universities across five continents. 索邦巴黎第一大学已经与五大洲150所国外大学签有合作交流协定。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- The flame reachs Acropolis after a journey across five continents and was cheered on by thousands of Athenians and tourists across the city. 火炬是在进行了全球传递之后抵达希腊的,火炬收到了上千名的雅典市民和游客的欢迎。
- It can be divided into five fields, including impact injury mechanisms, biomechanical responses, human tolerance, human surrogate and protective measures. 其主要研究内容大致分为5个方面:冲击损伤机理;生物力学响应;人的耐受性;人的代用品及人体防护等。
- In the mode of master-slave, the PC with CAN adapter performs as the master node and the other five Field controllers perform as the slave nodes. 在主从方式下,带有CAN适配卡的PC机为主节点,其余5个现场控制器为从节点。
- All in all, the names of 108 individuals scattered across five continents will be "flamed" in the 98-minute video created by Lynn Lu, a young Singaporean artist. 总之,名称108个遍布全球五大洲,将"友善",在98分钟的录影带,造成林恩禄一位年轻的新加坡艺人。
- One goal, two believes, three principles, four process and five fields were considered to be the key points in medicine purchasing commercial bribery regulation. 在治理医药购销商业贿赂工作中,要明确一个目的、坚定两个信念、掌握三项原则、做好四件事情、区分五个界限。
- Section I play 4 minutes left, the Arab-Israeli Jiang unexpectedly changed five field players and replaced Li Nan, Mo Ke, Wang Guang, and Kindler, Xu Zhong Hao. 第一节比赛还剩下4分钟,阿的江出人意料换下场上五名队员,换上李楠、莫科、王中光、德勒黑、许钟豪。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人们有权通过这些田地吗?
- Su Tianrong, Su Dongpo's seventh generationgrandson, passed Yihe on his journey by boat in 1312.In hisnight dream, he came across five old man, who brought him to theGreat Tree Purple Perilla. 苏东坡的第七代孙苏天荣在公元1312年乘船途径义合,夜里梦见五位老人带他观看大树紫苏。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- A state of emergency was declared Sunday across five regions: the city of Yangon, Irrawaddy, Pegu and the states of Karen and Mon.All flights to Yangon, the former capital, were canceled. 周日公告仰光、伊洛瓦底江、白古、克伦邦和Mon五地区为灾区,所有飞往仰光的航班均被取消。
- The tests on the room coupon,field coupon,and electrochemical polarization have been made, and the results of soil corrosivity have been obtained from the typical five fields in Baolang oilfield. 针对宝浪油田区域具有代表性的5个井区,通过碳钢在土壤中的室内自然腐蚀埋片试验和现场埋片试验以及电化学极化测量,得出各井区土壤腐蚀性的相对强弱范围。