- Why not show us exactly what dbv says?I'm guessing the reason dbv can't find the bad block is that the three rules listed above are all met. I don't know what you mean by "DBV工具检查仅仅说该块被标识为坏块,但是没有检查有坏块".
- Finally, itschemical properties have been tested, which show that Mn dissolution of MM only practiseabout 1/5 of UM, 1/2 of DBV. 对它的化学性能和电性能的测试结果表明,该结构的LiMn204具有良好的抗电解液溶蚀性能,Mn的溶解量仅是未修饰晶粒(UM)的1/5,是体掺杂的1/2;
- 2.The scientific approach to allergies has evolved explains Pierre-Henri Benhamou of France's DBV technologies. 皮艾尔-亨利Benhamou法国的DBV技术科学家解释了过敏反应的演变。
- Buformin Hydrochloride 盐酸丁二胍[降血糖药]
- buformin 丁双胍
- dbv (decibels above one volt) 伏特分贝
- Dibetos 丁二胍, N-丁基双胍[降血糖药]
- dbv =decibels above one volt 伏特分贝(以1伏特为零电平的分贝)