- Budget Phase Data Menu 预算阶段数据菜单
- Copy Budget Phase Data 预算阶段数据副本
- On the Data menu, choose Add New Data Source. 在“数据”菜单上选择“添加新数据源”。
- On the Data menu, click Add New Data Source. 在“数据”菜单上单击“添加新数据源”。
- On the Data menu, point to T-SQL Editor, and click New Query Connection. 在“数据”菜单上,指向“T-SQL编辑器”,再单击“新建查询连接”。
- A new Data menu and Data toolbar keep everything that you need within reach. 新的“数据”菜单和“数据”工具栏使您可以随时访问所需的所有信息。
- Gas phase data include composition, flow rate, and pressure at the starting point. 气相数据包括在开始点上的成分、流量及压力。
- To get into the Excel Database form you simply choose the Data menu and then choose Form from the drop down menu. 进入Excel的数据库资料表,只要选择菜单,然后选择菜单中的降下来。
- To remove filters applied to all columns in a range or list, point to Filter on the Data menu, and then click Show All. 若要在区域或列表中取消对所有列进行的筛选,请指向“数据”菜单中的“筛选”,再单击“全部显示”。
- To remove the filter arrows from a range or list, point to Filter on the Data menu, and then click AutoFilter. 若要删区域或列表中的筛选箭头,请指向“数据”菜单中的“筛选”,再单击“自动筛选”。
- To show only rows that match specific criteria, point to Filter on the Data menu, and then click AutoFilter. 单击“数据”菜单中的“筛选”,并选择“自动筛选”命令,可以显示所有符合指定条件的数据行。
- To eliminate the residuals caused by noise, a new phase filtering method is proposed to reduce the noise in the phase data. 同时,针对磁共振相位解缠绕中的噪声问题,本文提出一个新的滤波方法,可以高效地消除噪声导致的解缠绕的不一致性。
- The External Data window appears when you use the Link Data to Shapes command on the Data menu to import data into your drawing. 当您使用“数据”菜单上的“将数据链接到形状”命令将数据导入绘图时,出现“外部数据”窗口。
- Two kind of dats have the industrial associate degree datum, the economy development phase datum, the industrial concentration degree datum. 这是判断和选择优势产业的补充标准。 它包括产业关联度基准、经济发展阶段基准、产业集中度基准。
- Under most circumstances, you are prompted to install Query when you point to Import External Data on the Data menu and then click New Database Query. 在大多数情况下,当您指向“数据”菜单上的“导入外部数据”然后单击“新建数据库查询”时,系统将提示您安装Query。
- Once you know what validation you want to use on a worksheet, you can use the Validation command on the Data menu to set it up. 确定要在工作簿中使用的有效性验证后,您可以使用“数据”菜单中的“有效性”命令对其进行设置。
- If you often hide and unhide rows and columns to see different views of your data, use an outline. Point to Group And Outline on the Data menu. 如果您需要经常隐藏及取消隐藏行列数据,以便查看数据的不同情况,可使用分级显示。方法是:指向“数据”菜单下的“组及分级显示”。
- To hide items in a pivot table, select the items, choose PivotTable Field from the Data menu, and then select the items in the Hide Items box. 若要隐藏数据透视表中的部分项,先选定此项,然后选择“数据”菜单中的“数据透视表字段”命令,再在“隐藏项”框中选定要隐藏的项。
- To filter your list to show important subsets of the data, click a cell in the list, point to Filter on the Data menu, and then click AutoFilter. 要筛选列表以显示重要数据子集,可先单击数据列表中的某个单元格,指向“数据”菜单中的“筛选”命令,然后单击“自动筛选”命令。
- The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is used to communicate between the DSP and the AVR MCU in the PMU, and it allows PMU to operate independently to measure, record, and display and transfer both the instantaneous and phase data. PMU内部DSP与AVR单片机之间采用串行外围接口(SPI)实现高速可靠通信,以便AVR单片机完成瞬时数据和相量数据的记录、显示和通信,实现PMU独立运行;