- Bu shrink from voicing care. 忧虑之音却将淡远消逝。
- The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shrink from voicing care. 快乐之声总能回声阵阵,忧虑之音最终销声匿迹。
- But shrink from voicing care. 叹息之音必将销声匿迹。
- Don't shrink from the thought of obstacle. 不要一想到困难就退缩。
- I do not shrink from this responsibility I welcome it. 我不会推卸这一责任,我欢迎这一责任。
- Life's perhaps the only riddle that we shrink from give up. 人生,也许是我们害怕放弃的唯一的谜。
- It is a formidable task, but we are determined not to shrink from it. 这是一个非常艰巨的任务,但是我们决不退缩。
- They shrink from no task,however arduous it is. 不管工作如何艰难,他们都不会知难而退。
- You are not the sort to shrink from taking chances. 你可不是那种碰到了冒险的事畏畏缩缩的人。
- They long for victory, yet shrink from fight. 他们渴望胜利,但又不敢斗争。
- They shrink from no task, however arduous it is. 不管工作如何艰难,他们都不会知难而退。
- We must not shrink from difficulties. 我们不应该在困难面前退缩。
- He will not shrink from any hardship. 他不会因任何艰难而畏缩。
- They did not shrink from doing what was right. 只要做得对,他们就无所畏惧。
- To shrink from in fright or dread. 因害怕而逃避
- A brave man will not shrink from dangers. 勇者不惧。
- She shrinks from meeting strangers. 她怕见生人。
- Her undaunted spirit did not shrink from the only correct answer. 她的大无畏的精神使她不畏惧追求唯一正确的答案。
- Aside from voicing objections to the referendum outcome, the EU and the U.S. also successively adopted boycott actions. 对此公投结果,欧盟与美国除表达异议外,并先后采取抵制行动。
- Life's perhaps the only riddle that we shrink from giving up. 人生,也许是我们害怕放弃的唯一的谜。