- Bt棉氮素代谢特征与丰产性抗虫性协同表达的化学调控Chemical Control on Nitrogen Metabolism Character and High Yield Expression Cooperate with Anti-Insect Quality of Bt-Transgenic Cotton
- 棉cotton
- 2002-2004年,在冀南棉区系统调查了Bt棉品种DP99B(转Cry1Ac基因)和对棉叶螨发生的影响。 2002年,试验的Bt棉品种为SGK321(转Cry1Ac+CpTl基因);Field studies were carried out to evaluate the effect of two transgenic cotton varieties (SGK321 carrying Cry1A + CpTI and DP99B carrying Cry1Ac) and the conventional variety (shiyuian321-parental line of SGK321) to cotton spider mites Tetranychus spp.
- 全棉cotton
- 棉签cotton swab; cotton bud; Q-tip
- 棉球tampon
- 棉袜quilted stockings
- 化妆棉cotton pads
- 玻璃棉glass wool
- 棉毛plumule
- 棉质cotton
- 丝光棉marcerized cotton
- 棉条sliver
- 棉绳cotton rope
- 棉纸cotton paper
- 精梳棉cotton combing
- 全棉的all-cotton
- 棉毛布interlock
- 他们的粮、棉依赖从国外进口。They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.
- 她用棉纸擤鼻子。She used paper tissues to blow her nose.