- Bruno Ahlberg 阿尔伯格
- Bruno Tattaglia was an old friend of his. 布鲁诺 - 塔塔格里亚是他的一个老朋友。
- They copped Bruno with the evidence right on him. 由于证据确凿,他们逮捕了布鲁诺。
- He told Bruno to take care of Max. 他叫布鲁诺去干掉马克斯。
- Bruno fleeced the kid of his money. 布鲁诺骗取了那小孩子手里的钱。
- Mr.Big told Bruno to hose Max down. “大先生”叫布钽诺去把马克斯干掉。
- Mr.Big told Bruno to hush up Max. “大先生”叫布鲁诺把马克斯干掉。
- It is what we came for Jack Bruno! 这正是我们来到了杰克布鲁诺!
- Edited by Bruno Stein and S.M.Miller. 书名/作者 Incentives and planning in social policy.
- Is there a safer route Jack Bruno? 是否有一个更安全的路线杰克布鲁诺?
- I will call my friend Bruno Conti for advice. 我会询问我的朋友布鲁诺孔蒂的建议。
- Luca sat at the bar and Bruno Tattaglia went behind it. 路加坐在酒吧间,布鲁诺 - 塔塔格里亚到里面去了。
- Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists. 布鲁诺挺起胸膛面对等候的记者。
- Max and Bruno mixed it up for a while, and then things calm down. 马克斯和布鲁诺争吵了一会儿,然后事态平息了下来。
- Bruno is petty cagey.You have to keep an eye on him. 布鲁诺相当狡猾。你是提防着他一点儿。
- Prima tutti lo chiamavano Bruno,ma tre anni fa ha cambiato nome. 以前大家叫他布鲁诺,但三年前他改了名字。
- Bruno's Inquisitor was the Reverend Robert Bellarmine. 布鲁诺的法庭审判官是巴拉敏大人,记住他!
- An Introduction to Digital Signal Processors,BRUNO PAILLARD ING. 数字讯号处理器简介与应用,林传生、李佩谦编着。
- "Bruno bit the mail carrier who was delivering your card. “布鲁诺咬了给你们送催单的邮递员。”
- Karunesh was born in 1956 in Cologne, Germany, as Bruno Reuter. karunesh于1956出生在德国科隆。