- Browse Alan Tam Photos gallery 浏览谭咏麟照片库
- Browse Alan Tam Wallpapers gallery 浏览谭咏麟壁纸库
- Browse Alan Tam Posters gallery 浏览谭咏麟海报库
- Double-click the photo gallery you've created. 双击已创建的照片库。
- Tag: Browse the Culture Shock Photo Gallery, filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures. 浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界里。
- Browse the Culture Shock Photo Gallery, filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures. 浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界里。
- Picture: Mr. Alan Tam(L) with Mr. Bill Chan(R), Director of Sales and Marketing of Regal Shanghai East Asia Hotel. 图为谭咏麟(左)与市场销售推广总监陈广源先生(右)的合影。
- Alan Tam and Hacken Lee's New Year's eve concert for 2005 at Stadium Merdeka had to be postponed to Jan 8. 谭咏麟和李克勤在默迪卡体育场的2005年新年演唱会延迟到1月8日。
- There are images of Otus elegans botelensis in photo gallery. 摄影艺廊中有兰屿角枭之照片,欢迎参观。
- Photo Gallery: Minerals A pink chalcedony shows off its beauty. 意译:矿物的图片集。一个粉红色的玉髓显示它的美。
- By the moderator and Hu Jing Zhu Zhaoxiang and at the same time pay good Ekin Cheng, Alan Tam as a "matchmaker" Derek Yee, who as witnesses. 主持人是由与胡静和朱兆祥同时交好的郑伊健、谭咏麟担任,“红娘”尔冬升、为证婚人。
- Master of ceremonies, and by Hu Jing has worked with the artist to play in Hong Kong, Alan Tam, Hacken Lee, Ekin Cheng, and so on the candidate. 司仪方面,由与胡静合作过的香港艺人担当,谭咏麟、李克勤、郑伊健等均在候选之列。
- But good dogs and guard Alan Tam language conversation pigeons, five lucky star to escape from prison, together with Japan and Hong die gang. 不料精通犬语的谭咏麟与守卫鸽交谈后,五福星得以逃出囹圄,与洪携手跟日本黑帮决一死战。
- The artistes who performed included Alan Tam, Hacken Lee, Shawyn Yu, MayDay, Energy, Hans Zhang, Steve Chou, Fish Leong and Danny Onn. 表演的艺人包括谭咏麟、李克勤、余文乐、五月天、Energy、HansZhang、周传雄、梁静茹、温力铭。
- The pictures taken in the selected time period appear in Photo Gallery. 在所选时间内拍摄的图片将显示在照片库中。
- On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click New Photo Gallery. 在“插入”菜单上,指向“图片”,然后单击“新建图片库”。
- Famous Hong Kong pop singer Mr. Alan Tam has been staying at Regal Shanghai East Asia Hotel for many times and is very satisfied with the hotel facilities and service. 香港著名歌星谭咏麟已多次入住上海富豪东亚酒店,对酒店的各项设施和服务都非常满意。
- Photo Gallery: Sydney Bondi Beach A galah bird alights on a lifeguard’s cap. 意译:悉尼的Bondi海滨图片集。一只galah鸟落在一位救生员的帽子上。
- Today, Zhanjiang, the local fans sued the Alan Tam concert of cases heard at last, a large number of "injured" Fallon fans can expect to take this case to have a say. 今日,湛江当地歌迷状告谭咏麟演唱会的诉讼案件终于开庭审理,众多“受伤”伦迷期望能借此案讨个说法。
- Crinum - Photo gallery, articles, and links on the bulbous plant genus Crinum. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。