- Brontispa longissirna (Gestro) 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissirna 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissima Gestro, important quarantine insect, was recorded in Coco. 其中还发现属于检疫对象的椰心叶甲为害椰树。
- Brontispa longissima (Gestro) as a inbreaking insect introduced in our country severely harmed coconut, areca and other palmaceous vegetation, and leaded to seriously economical and ecological losing. 椰心叶甲(Brontispa longissima(Gestro))为近年来传入我国的危险性外来入侵生物,传入我国海南省等地后对当地的椰子、槟榔等棕榈科植物的生长造成严重危害,并导致重大经济和生态损失。
- The field bioassay of 4 trunk injection insecticides(14% Imidacloprid+DDVP,4.5%Imidacloprid,2%Abamectin and 30%DDVP+omethoate) was conducted against Brontispa longissima. 利用14%25吡虫啉.;敌敌畏注干液剂、4
- Effect of Several Plant Volatiles on Antenna Electrophsiological Activity of Brontispa Longissima (Gestro) 几种植物挥发物对椰心叶甲成虫的触角电生理活性
- Brontispa longissima (Gestro) 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissima Gestro 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissima(Gestro) 椰心叶甲
- The super-cooling point measure of Brontispa lngissima 椰心叶甲过冷却点的测定
- Cold hardiness of palm leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima 椰心叶甲的耐寒力测定
- Host plants and natural enemies for coconut leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima, in Shenzhen 深圳地区椰心叶甲寄主和天敌种类调查
- Life history of the laboratory population of the palm leaf beetle Brontispa longissima 椰心叶甲实验种群的生物学特性观察
- Leptispa longipennis (Gestro) 长鞘卷叶甲
- Brontispa longissima 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa Iongisima 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa langissima 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissima (Gastro) 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissimat 椰心叶甲
- Brontispa longissium 椰心叶甲