- He is a scholar with a broad mind. 他是一位旷达之士。
- The general has a very broad mind. 将军的胸怀无比广阔。
- He was broad mind and fat fit but he never looks old. 他这个人心宽体胖,总不显老。
- Winter, the bare land of broad mind to accept all the days to come. 冬季,大地袒露出宽阔的心怀,接纳所有未来的日子。
- But now, even the most strait laced felt that patriotism called upon them to be more broad minded. 可是现在,甚至那些最讲究体面的太太们也觉得为了爱国心,有必要宽大为怀了。
- Be a down-to-earth person with a broad mind; be a sure hand with piercing foresight. 踏踏实实做人,心胸要广大;稳稳当当做事,着眼宜深远。
- The icy river welcomes the soberness of the Nature with its broad mind while keeps the light bright in heart. 冰河以坦荡的胸怀迎接大自然的冷静,把光明亮在心里。
- Nature favors Changli beautiful scenery, which enriches Changliers’ broad mind. 大自然的鬼斧神工,造就了昌黎端庄秀美的姿容,孕育了昌黎人大海一样的胸怀。
- Bodhisattva should practice giving with a compassionate and broad mind, giving whatever needed to whomever in need. 菩萨摩诃萨行布施时,应当慈悲宽其心意,所有乞者任彼往来,随其所须皆不遮吝。
- The time in life when the narrow waist and the broad mind begin to change place. 一个人腰围开始有窄变宽,心胸开始由宽边窄的人生阶段。
- Confucius is not only a venerable elder with broad mind, but also a man of noble character with mild nature, and besides, he is a sage with supreme affinity. 孔子是一位心胸开阔的温厚的长者,是一位具有仁者情怀的温和的君子,是一位拥有无上亲和力的圣人。
- Lasses are as beautiful as flowers, lads are bright and broad minded, for the sake of establishing a new world, we are shaking the dozing mountains awake and making the rivers over. 姑娘好像花一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样。
- Compared with your broad mind,a mountain is just a landmark,a hill of surf is just a piece of broken jade,a crescent is just a eardrop ,a forest of flowers is just a bud. 同你心胸相比,一座高山只是一方界碑,一堆雪浪只是一块碎玉,一弯新月只是一个耳坠,万树鲜花只是一朵蓓蕾。
- This thirst for knowledge and broad mind triggered unlimited passion and wisdom which is aimed at surpassing to the longinquity of the past amid challenges and disputes. 这一求知的欲望和广博的心怀激发出无限的热情和智慧。
- The red flamingo shoe industry will stand up to the most rigorous test the product, the consummation service, the broad mind, with All quarters guest, will altogether create the future. 红火鸟鞋业将以过硬的产品,完善的服务,宽阔的胸怀,与八方商客,共创未来。
- A broad mind lacks focus. 宽广的心灵缺乏专注。
- Wise human life has mirror-like life realms and humanity is transparent, devoid of filth, with broad minds and aboveboard behaviors. 人类的智慧生命具有明镜般的生活境界,人性透明,生命无垢,心胸坦荡,行为光明。
- Our director has a broad mind. 我们厂长思想开放。
- Among romantic writers’ mind, nature have broad mind and manner much than this world, it is enough to hold and find sustenance of their hope for ideal, and make uninhabited place and not quite clear history of thing of the past idealize . 在浪漫主义作家心目中,大自然比眼前的尘世有着宽广得多的胸怀和气度,足以容纳和寄托他们对理想的焦灼的盼望,把人迹罕至的地方和已成陈迹的年代不详的历史理想化。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。