- Brief Analysis on Family Farm 简论家庭农场
- A brief analysis on frequency doubling at 852nm with BBO crystal has been presented. 简单介绍了BBO晶体852nm倍频的实验原理。
- The author and should serve as a brief analysis on the automatic deluge system spraying of water choice. 文中就自动喷水灭火系统喷水的选择和应用作一浅析。
- A Brief Analysis on Reforming the Bio-patent System of China on the Basis of Comparing the Bio-patent System of Europe and the U. S. 通过比较欧美生物专利制度的差异简析中国生物专利制度的变革。
- The author introduces the trait of timbre of Pipa and makes brief analysis on Pipa's subsistence and its future, in hope of arousing great attention from relative workers. 摘要本文根据笔者在民族乐团多年工作中,对琵琶音色特点的认识及其今后的生存发展做简略阐述,以期得到业内人士的重视与关注。
- We have a small-time family farm, but we love the lifestyle. 我们的家庭式农庄小虽小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。
- This memorandum aims to provide a brief analysis on possible impacts of relevant administrative registration and filing procedures on the IPO structure. 本备忘录力图就相关行政登记和备案手续对上市结构可能造成的影响作简要分析。
- This paper, from politics perspective, makes brief analysis on the causes and manifestation of these problems, the reasons and ways for building government credit. 本文从政治学的视角,对政府信用问题的发生及表现、构建政府信用的缘由及路径进行了简要分析。
- Doug and Tina Suhr have more than 100 milking cows on their family farm. 道格和蒂娜苏的家庭农场有超过100只奶牛。
- A farmer in Le Mars, Iowa, empties corn from a combine on his family farm. 爱荷华州勒玛斯的一个农民在把他家庭农场上联合收割机中的玉米倒出来。
- This paper introduces the technical performance of RFID and its merits an d demerits,and makes brief analysis on the feasibility of the ap plication of RFID in library from soc ial,economic and technical aspects. 介绍了RFID的技术性能及其优、缺点,并从社会、经济及技术等方面对RFID在图书馆应用的可行性进行了简要分析。
- This paper makes a brief analysis on some practical and effective ways of massaging which help strengthen the immunity from diseases, subside the symptoms of diseases and treat the diseases. 文章介绍了简单、实用、有效的腹部按摩方法,腹部按摩有增强免疫功能、缓解病症、治疗疾病的作用。
- Brief Analysis on Lawful Almsgiving to Victims of Family Violence 浅谈家庭暴力受害方之法律救济
- But I've worked so hard on Family Album, U.S.A. 但是我一直为。
- On the basis of brief analysis on flow electrification mechanism,a computation model under turbulent flow condition is built,and numerical computation of the model is investigated as well. 在简要分析油流起电机理的基础上建立了紊流条件下输油管道内油流带电的计算模型,并研究了模型的数值计算方法。
- He was reticent about his past [on family affairs]. 他对自己的过去 [家务事] 闭口不谈。
- Will entertained himself by driving backcountry to the family farm. 威尔惬意地驱车经过偏僻的乡村,向自家的农场驶去。
- Sat in on family counseling sessions. 参加家庭咨询服务会议,
- Justice, therefore, also depended on family power. 可见打官司也取决于家庭的势力。
- We have a small time family farm,but we love the lifestyle. 我们的家庭式农庄小虽小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。