- No mention is made of such decisions as the ending of the Bretton Woods monetary system. 更令人吃惊的是其它一些重要事情也只字未提。
- The introduction of the Euro is the inevitable outcome after the united market of Europe coming into being,and also an important event since Bretton Woods Monetary System. 欧元的问世是欧洲货币一体化发展到一定阶段的产物,是欧洲统一大市场形成后对欧洲货币体系发展的一种必然要求,同时它也是国际货币体系发展史上自布雷顿森林货币体系以来最重要的历史事件,必将在国际货币体系中发挥重要作用,并使国际货币体系向着更为合理的方向发展。
- Asymmetry of Bretton Woods Monetary System and its Implications 布雷顿森林体系的不对称性及其启示
- Bretton Woods Monetary System 布雷顿林货币体系
- The international monetary system has entered an era of multi reserve currencies since the collapse of Bretton Woods. 布雷顿森林体系解体后,国际货币体系进入了多元储备货币时代。
- The use of Euro set an example of regional monetary integration, which marked a new developing period of international monetary system after the Gold Standard, Bretton Woods System and Jamaica System. 欧元的启动开创了区域货币一体化的先例,标志着国际货币体系在历经了金本位、布雷顿森林体系和牙买加体系的风雨沧桑后进入了国际区域货币发展的新时期。
- The monetary system of the Western World is based on the agreement on the establishment of the International monetary Fund (IMF) , which was made at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (USA) , in 1944. 西方世界的货币体系是根据1944年在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林制定的关于建立国际货币基金组织协议而形成的。
- Bretton Woods international monetary system 布雷顿国际货币体系
- From the primitive international Monetary system seed, The internationalMonetary system has experienced the gold monometallic, the Bretton woods system, and thecontemporary Monetary system. 国际货币体系从原始国际货币体系的萌芽开始,经历了金本位制、布雷顿森林体系,直到当代货币体系。
- But America can't fulfill its obligations well since the collapse of Bretton Woods System, and which makes dollar hegemony be the source of the instabilities of current international monetary system and exerts negative influences on world economy. 美元霸权对世界经济的影响可以从两个方面看:一方面,美元霸权对国际货币体系及世界经济的稳定与发展起到了一定的积极作用;
- The monetary system of the Western World is based on the agreement on the establishment of the International monetary Fund (IMF), which was made at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (USA), in 1944. 西方世界的货币体系是根据1944年在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林制定的关于建立国际货币基金组织协议而形成的。
- Bretton Woods Monetary Agreements 布雷顿森林货币协定
- The Bretton woods system broke down in two stages. 布雷顿森林体系的垮台分为两个阶段。
- The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent nation-states. 布雷顿森林体系是在独立的单一民族国家中,经完全协商订立的旨在管理货币关系的首个货币条款。
- In the past the Bretton Woods system of monetary policy for the United States there is a certain degree of restraint, because with the dollar gold (165,3.64,2.26% of it) link. 过去布雷顿森林体系对于美国货币政策存在一定的约束,因为美元需要与黄金(165;3.;64;2
- They talk about overhauling financial institutions and having a new version of the post World War II Bretton Woods conference that established a new monetary and financial system. 他们讨论重整金融机构,召开像第二次世界大战后的布雷顿森林会议那样的新会议。布雷顿森林会议确立了新的货币和金融体系。
- In 1944, a meeting took place in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire : the International Monetary Conference. 1944年在新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林召开了一次会议:国际货币会议。
- The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。
- After the development of the Bretton Woods System and the Jamaica system, under the background of global finance integrated, it appears regional exchange rate coordinate arrangement and regional monetary cooperation. 国际货币制度在经历从布雷顿森林体系到牙买加体系的演变后,又出现了区域汇率协调安排和区域货币合作的趋势。
- In 1944, a meeting took place in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire: the International Monetary Conference. 1944年,在新汉普郡的布雷顿森林开了一个会议,世界货币会议。