- The fibrosis around a breast implant may produce deformity and pain in some women. 乳腺植入物周围的纤维化可能在某些妇女中引起变形与疼痛。
- The thin connective tissue capsule around a silicone breast implant is shown here. 图示乳腺硅酮植入物的薄结缔组织被膜。
- Despite the apparent danger and frequent complications, this type of breast implant was popular among adult entertainers. 尽管明显并发症的危险和频繁;这种乳房植入物;深受成年艺人.
- Results: Capsular contracture, rupture of breast implant and psychological factors were the main causes for secondary correction of previously-failed augmentation mammaplasty. 结果:包膜挛缩、假体破裂和心理因素是隆乳术后再次手术的主要原因。
- Methods: Half-moon incision was designed.Breast reconstruction was performed with latissimus dorsal myocutaneous flap and surrounding fat tissue, without using breast implant. 方法:在背部设计半月形皮肤切口,切取背阔肌及周围脂肪组织,不应用乳房假体,进行即时或后期乳房再造。
- He won two faces shapen and two breast implants national patents. 荣获两项改脸型、两项隆乳国家专利;
- Microscopic examination of the fibrous capsule from a silicone breast implant will often reveal the refractile silicone material as shown here, because this material gradually leaks out. 乳腺硅酮植入物纤维被膜镜检时常可显示出屈光性硅酮材料,起因于这种材料渐渐漏出。
- Mechanical complication due to breast implant 乳房植入物致机械性并发症
- NIH scientists were asked by Congress to study the safety of silicone breast implants. 美国国会要求国家卫生研究所的科学家们对乳房植入物硅酮的安全性进行研究。
- Little girls think they'll be famous if they have vast breast implants and might as well die if they don't. 小女孩们认为只要他们有很大的胸部就可以出名;好象不这样就会死掉一样.;"
- The department did not concur with calls that it set up a national registry of women who receie breast implants. 有人号召在加拿大国内登记接受乳房假体植入术妇女的人数,这点没有得到加拿大卫生部的同意。
- It’s just like how Americans have a fetish with steroid body builders and breast implants. 它很正直像美国人如何有一个物神由于类固醇身体建立者而且胸部深植。
- Today, all the silicone membrane breast implants we used are not ideal filling material in augmentation mammoplasty. 硅胶膜乳房假体,目前已不是理想的隆乳材料。
- The first part of their investigation studied breast-cancer rates in 13,500 women who had breast implants (most of them silicone) and 4,000 who did not. Results: the implant patients showed no added risk for breast cancer when compared with the controls. 研究报告的第一部分表明,在13500个乳房植入者(大部分是硅酮)和4000个未做植入物的妇女中,乳腺癌发病率的结果是:与对照组比较,植入者并没有增加乳腺癌的患病几率。
- Many men did not want their partner to have breast implants, even though women did it to please them, cosmetic surgeon Huang said. 黄整形师说,很多男性不希望他们的配偶隆胸,即使女性这样做是为了取悦他们。
- Zhang Min president said that the most common method of artificial breast implants, are now mostly filled with silicone or saline within the Eisai. 张敏院长说,最常见的隆乳方法是人工义乳,目前大多都采用硅胶内填生理食盐水的卫材。
- Conclusion:Breast implants replacement combined with capsular relaxing were effective in correcting the complications caused by c... 结论:置换假体结合对症处理可有效纠治隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩所致并发症,充分保留原纤维包膜可获得较好远期效果。
- Annina Ulrich, 29, says her boss told her that her breast implants were not an asset and were damaging the company's image. 29岁的安妮娜.乌丽希说,老闆告诉她,她的隆乳不是(企业)资产,且有损公司形象。
- A nation of the people Keen on facelift is doing a breast implants operation in a hurry for his negligible culture and history. 一个热衷于整容的民族正在急于为其干瘪的历史隆胸....民族一词能换成别的词吗?中国也有朝鲜族同胞啊。。。
- Typically heat-resistant, nonstick, and rubber-like, they are commonly used in cookware, medical applications, sealants, adhesives, lubricants, insulation, and breast implants. 通常耐热,不沾,类似橡胶,它们常被用于炊具、医疗器械、密封剂、粘合剂、润滑剂、绝缘材料、乳房植入物等。