- Methods: We analysed 416 consecutive breast cancer patient who underwent SLN biopsy. 方法:我们分析了接受哨兵淋巴结活检的416例乳腺癌患者。
- Main treatment: Prostate gland cancer,treatment before menolipsis and after the operation of breast cancer patient. 主要治疗:前列腺癌,在停经前和乳腺癌患者术后的治疗。
- It should be the first choice management modality in premenopausal breast cancer patients. 这是绝经前乳腺癌患者的首选治疗方案。
- Excessive weight and a high body mass index (BMI) pose a host of complications in breast cancer patients. 超重和高体重指数(BMI)为乳腺癌患者带来了一大堆并发症。
- Objective:To investigate the prognostic fac tors for breast cancer patients with liver or lung involvement. 目的 :分析影响乳腺癌肝肺转移患者的预后因素。
- The BBC was 3.67%(119/3239) of the operable breast cancer patients at the same period. 双侧乳腺癌占同期可手术乳腺癌的3.;67%25(119/3239)。
- Our results show that MPA may be used for breast cancer patients to improving their life quality during chemotherapy. 甲孕酮可显著改善乳腺癌患者化疗期间的生活质量。
- Bonin can remarkably relieve bone pain improve bone mineral density in breast cancer patients with bone metastases. 博宁对乳腺癌骨转移患者 ,在止痛、活动能力恢复和骨质修复方面有明显疗效
- Some research shows that only about 25% of newly discovered metastatic breast cancer patients live for 5 years. 有些研究表明只有大约25%25初期的已经转移的乳腺癌患者可以生存5年。
- Second, to explore the experience of Chinese breast cancer patients who are charactered as hardy persons. 探索中国乳腺癌患者抗癌体验中坚强的理论模型。
- Related instructions are suggested to be added to the label of Tamoxifen to remind the breast cancer patients. 他们建议在他莫西芬的药品标签上添加相关说明,提醒乳腺癌患者。
- The BCT can result in the same effects as MRM in breast cancer patients with better cosmetic appearances. 保乳治疗可以取得与改良根治同样的治疗效果,但可拥有较好的外形。
- The In vitro MTT assay was essential for predicting chemosensitivity of individual breast cancer patients. 体外MTT法对不同个体乳腺癌进行化疗敏感性预测是必要的。
- ADA1 activity =Total ADA activity-ADA2 activity.112 breast cancer patients and 98 controls were included in this study. 结果乳腺癌患者的血清ADA和ADA2的活性明显高于对照,ADA1活性无差异;乳腺癌患者中绝经后的血清ADA和ADA2活性高于未绝经者;
- Objective: To investigate the psychosomatic situation of breast cancer patients, coping modes and nursing measures. 目的:研究乳腺癌患者的心身症状、应对方式及护理对策。
- Forthe random PT 2N 0M 0 breast cancer patient, the use of adjuvant treatment does not improve the 5 year DFS compared with those with surgery alone, but only leads to the waste of money and harms the life quality of the patients. 结论无选择性应用术后辅助治疗并不能提高PT2N0M0乳腺癌患者的5年DFS及可能的长期生存率,并造成不必要的经济损失及患者生活质量的影响。
- Hair from the breast cancer patients produced the same features "with the only difference being the superimposition of a new feature." This was a distinctive low-intensity ring. 从乳腺癌病人获得的头发产生同样的特征----唯一不同的是附有一个新的特征。这是一个显著的低强度环。
- Objective To study the therapeutic effect of Bonin combination chemotherapy for the treatmrnt of breast cancer patients with bone metastases. 目的 探讨帕米膦酸二钠 (博宁 )合并化疗治疗乳腺癌骨转移的疗效。
- PURPOSE Relationship of hcf-2 protein expression to prognosis of breast cancer patients is still controversialat present. 目的探讨bcl-2蛋白表达与乳腺癌患者预后的关系。
- With the ease of use and patient benefits that sentinel lymph node dissections offer, this technique has become the standard of management for melanoma as well as breast cancer patients. 由于前哨淋巴结切除术容易施行且有利于病人痊愈,这项技术已成为治疗黑色素瘤及乳癌的标准程序。