- Breaded the fish fillets. 滚了面包屑的鱼片
- She breaded the fish before frying it. 她在油煎之前在鱼外面裹上面包屑。
- Breaded the fish fillets 滚了面包屑的鱼片
- Cut the fish fillets into 4cm chunks and add in marinade for about 1 hour. 将鱼肉批片,切成长4厘米块状,加腌料拌渍1小时。
- Cut the fish fillet in chunks, marinate it with some salt and pepper. 把鱼柳切件,用少许盐和胡椒粉腌好待用。
- De-scale yellow fin fish, remove and and bones keeping only the fish fillet. 将小黄鱼去鳞、除骨、仅保留鱼肉片的部分。
- Ask the waiter to fillet the fish for you. 请服务员帮你把鱼骨剔去。
- Clean and dry the fish fillets with a kitchen towel. Cut them into chunks. Add in marinade and let stand for15 minutes. 鱼柳洗净后抹干水份,切成块状。加入腌料,放置大约15分钟。
- Defrost the fish fillets, clean and cut into 3 pieces. Dry them with the kitchen paper and mix in the marinade and let stand for 15 minutes. 鱼片解冻洗净后切成3段。抹干水份后加入腌料腌制15分钟左右。
- Soak the noodles in a pot of hot water for 5 minutes, drain and set aside. Coate the fish fillets with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. 用热水把面条烫过,泡上5分钟,滗去水分。鱼条加上一大勺生粉。
- The sauce matches the cheese and the fish fillet very well making it more tastier. 喝一口汤底,很鲜美,带点微酸及腥羶味道,是以血熬成的汤头,没有错的了。
- Coat the fish fillet evenly with cornstarch, deep-fry until golden brown, drain and set aside. 鱼柳均匀地沾上生粉,即下油锅中炸熟,至金黄色即取出沥去多馀油分;
- Clean and dry the fish fillets with a kitchen towel. Cut them into chunks. Add in marinade and let stand for 15 minutes. 鱼柳洗净后抹干水份,切成块状。加入腌料,放置大约15分钟。
- Cut the sweet potato, fatty pork and fish fillet into slices of similar thickness. Add marinade to the fish slices and mix well. 分别将各材料平均切成同等大小之厚块;鱼肉与腌料一同拌匀。
- Use some oil to saut? the sweet pepper, pour in the sauce, add lychees, then bring the sauce to a boil.Put back the fish fillet and saut? briefly, dish up and serve. 用少许油略炒甜椒,加入酱汁和荔枝肉,汁滚后即把鱼柳回镬,快手兜匀即可上碟享用。
- Bread the pork chops before frying them. 炸猪排前先在上面撒一点面包碎屑。
- Is the fish breaded before it's sauteed? 鱼会先裹上面包粉后再嫩煎吗?
- This article introduces a new freezing method to crucian fillet.It freezes the fish fillet of crucian using the low temperature calcium chloride solution. 本文介绍了一种罗非鱼冻结的新工艺,即利用低温氯化钙溶液对鱼片进行冻结的新工艺。
- Mince the fish fillet with the back of a knife.Mix in the marinade and stir until smooth and elastic.Pan-fry it until the both sides have turned golden and slice. 鱼柳用刀背砍成泥,加腌料拌匀打至起胶,放入平锅用小火把鱼胶煎至双面熟透铲起切片。
- The fish plopped back into the river. 那鱼扑通一声跃回河中。