- He hates interference with his work. 他厌恶别人妨碍他的工作。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- He brake his car just in time to avoid an accident. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。
- Riding the brake is a bad habit for a driver. 司机把脚放在刹车踏板上是一个坏习惯。
- The brake failed and the car ran into a lamp-post. 刹车失灵了,汽车撞在灯柱上了。
- Her interference was not warranted. 她干涉得毫无道理。
- The brake doesn't grip properly. 刹车不灵了。
- He will not brook any interference. 他不会容忍他人的任何干涉。
- I don't want any interference from you! 我用不著你来干涉!
- I resented his interference in my affairs. 我很不满他干预我的私事。
- But there are two pedals. Which one is the brake? 但是那儿有两个踏板。哪一个是刹车呢?
- A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake. 很多的维修费用都花在了更换煞车方面。
- Braking Interference 制动干预
- There's too much travel on the brake, it needs tightening. 制动器太松了,需要调紧。
- The brake fail and the car come to a stop against a wall. 刹车装置失灵了,车撞到墙上才停下来。
- The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake. 我前面那辆小汽车突然停住,我只好刹车。
- The brake (pedal) is between the clutch and the accelerator. 制动器(踏板)在离合器和加速器之间。
- Her mother's interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage. 她母亲从中干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜。
- Their interference bollixed up the whole deal. 他们的扰乱把整个事情都弄糟了。
- There is little the government can do to brake inflation. 政府没有多少办法抑制通货膨胀。