- Brahma samaj 梵教会
- I believe this is the worship to Brahma. 下面是在祭祀梵天??
- He lives with Brahma [= the Buddha]. 他与梵天[=佛陀]同住。
- On 10 April 1875 Swami Dayananda established the Bombay Arya Samaj. 1875年4月10日,斯瓦米·达耶难陀创立孟买圣社。
- Prajapati was later identified with the puranic Brahma. 生主后来被视作星学上的梵天。
- Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). 因为生于水,梵天也被称为肯迦(由水所生)。
- This rudraksha contains the bless of Lord Brahma , Vishnu, Mahesh. 三瓣金刚包含了神Lord Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh的赐福。
- Keshab and the Brahmo Samaj had attracted him but proved inadequate. 柯沙布和梵志会曾经吸引过他,但证实是不恰当的。
- Another deity, Brahma, the creator, remains in the background as a demiurge. 另一个神,创造者梵天,在背后作为一个造物主。
- So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma worlds. 就在那个时刻、那个瞬间,呼声直达梵天界。
- From this golden egg, Brahma the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. 创造者梵天从金色的蛋里面诞生,是金胎。
- Then brahma Subrahma agreed with the individual Brahma of the pure abodes. 五'友!唯然。'辟支梵天净居回答辟支梵天须梵。
- So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma world. 就在那个刹那,那个当下,那个瞬间,叫唤之声传遍了整个梵天。
- The Chan master said:“In fact, the Brahma's voice is in your breath. 禅师又说:“其实,呼吸之间就是梵音声。
- Another legend says that Brahma created himself by first creating water. 另一个传说就说梵天最初是在创造水的时候创造了他自己。
- But in the realms of Brahma, there appears to be no such things as in heaven. 但是在梵界,就不像天界有这些东西了。
- After traveling widely as an itinerant preacher, he founded the Arya Samaj in 1875, and it rapidly gained ground in the west of India. 他作为一个巡回的传教士而广泛地游历很多地方后,于1875年成立了雅利安社,并且很快地在印度西部发展起来。
- The Samaj was open to all without distinction of colour, creed, caste, nation, or religion. 梵志会一视同仁地开放给不同肤色、信条、种姓、民族和宗教的人。
- He was an implacable enemy of image worship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. 他是一个偶像崇拜的不安静敌人,也极力反对把基督教思想渗透入梵志会。
- The other movement playing an important part in the nineteenth-century religious revival of India was the Arya Samaj. 十九世界印度复兴中扮演另一个重要角色的是雅利安社运动。