- The first man to cross the finish line was Fred Lorz from New York City. 第一个到达终点的是纽约市的弗雷德·洛尔斯。
- Boy from New York city 纽约来的男孩
- I want to call Chicago and I need to know the weekend rate from New York City. 我想打电话到芝加哥,我要知道从纽约打去的周末电话价格。
- It was just a dayhop from New York City to the Berkshires for skiing. 从纽约城到波克夏滑雪只需要一天的时间
- Stacy had recently moved from New York City to Stoneybrook, Connecticut. 斯泰司最近从纽约搬到了康乃狄克的石川,
- Patrick Di Justo writes about science and technology from New York City. 现居于美国纽约市,撰写科学与科技类文章。
- Paul American, a funny black man from New York city with pure American accent who is the most popular overseas teacher. 保罗:美国人,来自美国纽约市的黑人外籍教师,持一口纯正的美国口语,是最受学生欢迎的外籍教师之一。
- Two beams of light continue to shine up from New York City until dawn this morning. 纽约市的两道光柱将持续照射至今日凌晨。
- The bird was put down, said Richard Gentles from New York City's Center for Animal Care and Control. 纽约市立动物管制局的理查.捷特斯说,孔雀已被安乐死。
- President York Chan received a proclamation from New York City Council in their Chinese New Year celebration. 陈玉驹主席出席纽约市议会农历新年庆祝活动,并接受市议会颁发表扬状。
- Paul Raeburn writes about science, policy and the environment from New York City. 瑞贲在美国纽约市从事科学、政策和环境相关的写作。
- Anastasia Somoza was a beautiful girl from New York City who was confined to a wheelchair because of cerebral palsy. 安娜斯塔西亚.;索莫扎是位漂亮的女孩,来自纽约市。由于脑瘫,她只能整天坐在轮椅上。
- On August 11, 1807, the first commercial steamship traveled up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany. 1807年8月11日,第一艘商业蒸汽船从纽约市沿哈德逊河逆流而上,驶往阿尔巴尼。
- Their journey was equal to the distance from New York City to Miami, or Seattle to San Diego. 这趟旅程的路途,等于纽约市到迈阿密,或西雅图到圣地牙哥的距离。
- The first transcontinental air service begins from New York City to Los Angeles. 1929年的今天,从纽约城到洛杉矶的首个跨大陆的航线服务开通。
- In nineteen seventy, Bella Abzug was elected to the House of Representatives as a Democrat from New York City. 1970年,贝拉.;艾布扎格作为纽约市的代表当选国会众议员,那年她五十岁。
- Like any guy, Rory Sheridan, a waiter from New York City, wants to impress his girlfriend during their first Valentine's Day as a couple. 罗利.;谢里丹;像其他人一样,想为他们新婚来的第一个情人节,来点特别的。
- Astronomy and especially astrophotography remained little more than a dream until I moved from New York City to Connecticut in 1993. 天文爱好尤其是天文摄影,仍旧是一个梦想,直到我1993年由纽约来到康涅狄格州。
- The main figure in this period of jazz history was James P. Johnson, a pianist from New Jersey who played in Harlem, the largest Negro section of New York City. 爵士音乐历史中这个时期的主要人物是新泽西州出生的钢琴家杰姆·约翰逊。他常在纽约城最大的黑人区哈莱姆演奏。
- The main figure in this period of jazz history was James P. Johnson,a pianist from New Jersey who played in Harlem,the largest Negro section of New York City. 爵士音乐历史中这个时期的主要人物是新泽西州出生的钢琴家杰姆·约翰逊。他常在纽约城最大的黑人区哈莱姆演奏。