- Hadley: The Boxer rebellion? The Dark Ages? 哈德利:中国义和团,是在中世纪。
- From the great game in Central Asia to the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, western history has demonized eastern empires. 从中亚大博弈到1900年的八国联军,西方历史一直在妖魔化这两个东方国家。
- Boxer Rebellion the following year, the spring re-emergence of the county, accounting for County Yamen, seize fort. 次年春本县义和团运动再次兴起,占县衙,夺炮台。
- The Italian troops opened a field post office during the Boxer rebellion in 1900, followed by locations in Peking and Tientsin in 1917. 1900年的义和团运动期间,意大利军队开设了一个战地军邮局。接着在1917年时,又在北京和天津开设了这样的军邮局。
- O The Italian troops opened a field post office during the Boxer rebellion in 1900, followed by locations in Peking and Tientsin in 1917. 1900 年的义和团运动期间,意大利军队开设了一个战地军邮局。接着在 1917 年时,又在北京和天津开设了这样的军邮局。
- How much of the tumultuous 19th-century history of China, which included the First Opium War, the Taiping Rebellion, and the Boxer Rebellion? 游戏中我们能看到多少纷争不断的19世纪的中国历史?有没有包括第一次鸦片战争、太平天国运动和义和团运动?
- In the time, Chinese broke up the Taiping Rebellion ,Boxer Rebellion and overturning the Qing dynasty campaign xinhai revolution. 在这期间,中国爆发了太平天国运动、义和团运动以及推翻了封建清王朝的辛亥革命。
- The Opium War, the Boxer Rebellion, extraterritoriality, the war with Japan, American criticism of China, are still fresh memories for all Han Chinese. 鸦片战争,日本侵略,对中国人来说,仍然记忆犹新。
- During that peried, the Taiping rebellion, the Boxer rebellion and the xinhai revolution for overthrowing the feudal Qing dynasty have overbroken in China. 在这期间,中国爆发了太平天国运动、义和团运动以及推翻了封建清王朝的辛亥革命。
- The Taiping Rebellion was influenced to some degree by Christian teachings, and the Boxer Rebellion was in part a reaction against Christianity in China. 太平天国的起义在一定程度上是受了基督教教义的影响,而义和团运动则是中国人反对基督教的一些活动。
- Only postal and customs revenues were continued to be sent to Beijing, because they had been pledged to foreign powers after the Boxer rebellion of 1900, and Zhang feared their intervention. 只有邮电和海关收入还仍然送往北京,因为在1900年义和团运动后关税被抵押给八国联军,张作霖害怕扣下关税后外国列强会介入。
- His mission school and clinic endured throughout the early 20th century, despite the Boxer Rebellion, civil wars, banditry, hostility towards foreigners, and innumerable changes in local governments. 他的任务忍受学校和诊所在整个20世纪初,尽管义和团运动,内战,土匪活动,对外国人的敌意,在地方政府了无数的变化。
- "Civilized xenophobia" idea was given by modern Chinese intellectuals who had a Western education background or a world vision, since the Boxer Rebellion xenophobia, as a diplomatic strategy. 摘要“文明排外”的思想是近代中国有西方教育背景或者说有世界视野的知识分子,针对义和团以来盲目排外的做法,而提出的一种外交策略。
- In China popular agitation to exclude foreigners intensified, and in 1899 the Righteous Fists (Boxers), rose in revolt mainly in Shandong Province (the Boxer Rebellion). 中国的民众普遍存在排外心理,1899年,义和拳(又叫义和团)成员大部分在山东省开始了造反。
- The boxer is whaling away at his opponent with both fists. 拳击手用双拳向他的对手连续猛击。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- The boxer let his opponent off the hook many times. 那拳击手失掉了许多次击败对手的机会。
- The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。
- The boxer was laid out in the fifth round. 那个拳击手在第五回合中被击昏在地。