- Both like to smoke. 两个人都喜欢吸烟。
- Do you like to smoke? I have some. 你想抽点大麻吗?我这儿还有点儿。
- I would like to smoke, if you have no objection. 假如你不反对的话,我想抽烟。
- If you'd like to smoke, you can go outside. 如果你想吸烟,可以到外面去。
- Ferret and cats both like to chase furry stuff. 雪貂的个性和猫一样喜欢追逐毛茸茸的东西。
- I like to smoke a big cigar every now and then. 我时而喜欢抽一支大雪茄烟。
- He doesn't like to smoke [smoking]. 他不喜欢吸烟。
- There is no one here who likes to smoke a cigar. 这里没有人爱抽雪茄。
- If you'd like to smoke,please move over to one of those tables. 如果你要抽烟,请移到那边的桌子去。
- I have no patience with people who like to smoke in restaurants. 我对喜欢在餐厅吸烟的人没耐心。
- There is little one can say at such a time but we would both like to express our very sincere sympathy to you. 此时此刻,说什么都无济于事,我们只想表示我们对你真挚的同情。
- He likes to smoke the cigarette of the camellia brand. 他喜欢吸山茶花牌香烟。
- FT : Yes, we both like to spend time at home, watching matches, films and TV in general... 英尺:是的,我们都喜欢花时间在家里,观看比赛,电影和电视节目在一般...
- Mankind and womankind both like praise. 男人与女人都喜欢被赞美。
- He likes to smoke two or three packs a day to relax. 为了缓解压力他一天要吸两三包烟。他真得改掉这一习惯。
- Both my sister and I like to wear jeans. 我姐姐和我都喜欢穿牛仔裤。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- Los Angeles and Miami have a lot of things in common: They are both warm-all-year climates, they both like to flaunt their wealth, and they both cater to celebrities. 洛杉矶和迈阿密有很多共同点:它们都有全年暖和的气候,都喜欢炫耀财富,以及满足名人的需要。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- Well-educated people are less likely to smoke than men with fewer years of schooling. 受过良好教育的人吸烟人数比没受什么教育的人少。