- Both compounds are corrosive. 这两种化合物都有腐蚀性。
- Both of the compounds are not acids. 这两种化合物不全都是酸。
- Both the compounds are acids, the formeris strong, the latter weak. 这两种化合物都是酸,前者是强酸,后者是弱酸。
- The eutectoid compounds are very slow in forming. 共析物的形成是非常缓慢的。
- Both the compounds are acids, the former is strong, the latter weak. 这两种化合物都是酸,前者是强酸,后者弱酸。
- These compounds are not a residue concern. 这些化合物不造成残留问题。
- Both compounds exist six-membered channels along the c axis. 这两种化合物都有沿着c轴方向的六员环孔道,且骨架中的铁都采取略微变形的八面体构型,与亚磷酸根假四面体连接构筑三维网状结构。
- In many cases, oxidant materials may also be corrosive and/or toxic. 在许多情况下,氧化剂材料还是有腐蚀性和/或毒性的。
- Countless compounds are to be found in the industrial registers. 在工业产品目录中还会出现无数的化合物。
- Aldehydic and phenolic compounds are found in cinnamon and mustard. 在肉桂和芥菜中含有醛类和酚类化合物。
- Rust and acids are corrosive. 锈与酸都是腐蚀性的。
- Other amino compounds are formed by transamination reactions. 其他氨基化合物由氨基转移反应生成。
- Arsenical compounds are not compatible with reducing agents. 含砷化合物与还原剂不能共用。
- Iodine compounds are used as germicides, antiseptics, and dyes. 碘化合物被用作杀菌剂、抗感染剂和染料。
- Organotin compounds are suspected to be endocrine disrupters. 有机锡化合物疑亦是一种内分泌干扰物质。
- Two such organic compounds are bug splatter and birddroppings. 虫尸和鸟粪是两个生物性的车漆天敌。
- Some inorganic compounds are essential for the human body. 有些无机物也是人体生长所必需的。
- HI-6 and HGG-42. Reactivating efficiency of HI-6 is higher than that of HGG-42. Both compounds fail to reactivate the aged enzyme. HI-6及HGG-42对老化的沙林或梭曼膦酰化酶均无效。
- These compounds are present in etiolated tissue of seedlings grown in darkness. 这些化合物存在于黑暗中生长的幼苗的黄化组织内。
- Here are the regulations which define “hazardous wastes” as those which are corrosive, explosive, ignitable, reactive, or toxic. 这里是把腐蚀性、易爆性、可溶性、反应性或有毒性废物明文规定为“有害废物”的条例。