- Borrelia rossi [医] 郭霍氏包柔氏螺旋体
- Rossi urges Lazio to worry about themselves! 罗西要求球员关注自己!
- It was a difficult game for us,"admitted Rossi. 对于我们来说,这是一场困难的比赛,"罗西承认。
- Witnessing the 937 minutes of Seba Rossi. 米兰门将塞巴斯蒂安.罗西创下了937分钟的联赛不失球记录。
- Giuseppe Rossi will not be joining West Bromwich Albion on loan. 罗西新赛季将不会以租借的形式加盟西布朗维奇。
- "It is all a bit confusing at the moment," said Rossi. “事情现在有点乱。”罗西说。
- Rossi joined United in July 2004 from Serie A side Parma. 罗西在2004年7月从意甲帕尔玛转会曼联。
- Ms Rossi owns the Roadside Motel, which has 50 units. 露茜夫人拥有汽车游客旅馆,这旅馆有50个单元。
- Aim:To find which species of mouse and tick carr y Borrelia burgdorferi. 目的:了解广东省鼠和蜱携带莱姆病病原体情况。
- Rossi had sedated Mushu and pulled on the stange object. 罗斯先给木须施打镇定剂,然后拉出那个奇怪的物体。
- Rossi said: "I have a contract and want to respect it. 罗西说:“我现在有合约在身,我要尊重它。
- Hence his favourite sports personality is Valentino Rossi. 因此他最喜欢的运动员是瓦伦蒂诺.;罗西。
- The rottenness in football shocked even the unshakeable Mr Rossi. 足球腐败甚至让不可动摇的罗西也感到震惊。
- After the short break, Rossi came off and Esposito came on. 短暂休息后罗西下,埃斯波西托上。
- His favourite sports personality is undoubtedly Valentino Rossi. 他最喜欢的运动员无疑就是瓦罗蒂诺.;罗西。
- Rossi spat very deliberately, and very messily, upon Durieux's party card. 罗斯故意在黛瑞克斯的邀请卡上吐了一口痰。
- Giuseppe Rossi made his debut for Newcastle as a second half substitute. 罗西在下半场替补出场,完成了在纽卡斯尔的处子秀。
- Lyme disease is a disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete, and spread by ticks of the genus Ixodes. 莱姆病是一种由伯氏疏螺旋体引起的疾病,由硬蜱属的蜱类传播。
- Objective: To determine whether I.persulcatus can transmit Lyme spirochetes Borrelia garinii trans-stadially. 目的:研究全沟硬蜱经期传播莱姆病螺旋体的能力。
- Method: Solution of Borrelia burgdorferi was perfo rmed from mice and tick samples using BSK medium. 方法:BSK培养基从鼠脏器和蜱悬液分离伯氏疏螺旋体,单克隆抗体鉴定。