- Use of Non-disperse Low Solid Mud in Bored Pile Drilling 不分散低固相泥浆在钻孔灌注桩工程中的应用
- The Applications of Bored Pile Drilling Tech. In Large Floating Rock in Changchun Light Rail Project 长春市轻轨工程大漂石地层灌注桩成孔钻进技术
- Bored Pile Drilling 旋挖钻孔桩
- The filling pile drilling machine of KP2000 type applies to pore forming construction of various architectural base and shallow well with heavy caliber, vertical well of small coal mine, defense engineering bore using and other drilling projects. KP2000型灌注桩钻孔机适用于各种建筑基础成孔施工以及大口径浅水井、小煤矿竖井、国防工程用孔等钻孔工程。
- Accidents often appear in the drilling of impact bored pile, the construction quality of the bored piles is related to the safety of bridges. 摘要冲击钻孔钻进中经常出现事故,钻孔灌注桩的施工质量关系到桥梁结构的安全。
- The pile repletion measurement, drilling, the embedment of the steel casing and pile drilling are emphasized. 强调了桩位复测、护筒埋设、钻孔、成孔等每道工序在检查过程中需注意的问题。
- Common problems and their solutions are put forward in riprap-filled sea formation during bored pile execution. 提出了在抛石填海地层钻孔灌注桩施工中常见问题及处理方法。
- The compaction-under reamed bored pile is a new type one with high bearing capacity and low settlement. 摘要挤扩支盘灌注桩是一种具有高承载力和低沉降量特性的新型桩。
- Complete finite element analysis is conducted on pile frame of SYR200 rotary pile drill with the model, which p... 使用这种模型对SYR200旋挖钻机桩架进行了整体有限元分析,分析对钻孔机桩架的结构设计有指导意义。
- Support and Water Cut-off Technique for the Foundation Pit with Bored Piles Drilled in Single-row Deep Mixed Columns 单排深层搅拌桩中套打钻孔灌注桩基坑支护截水技术
- The bored pile by churning drive and bored pile with slurry wall protection are widely adopted in loess foundation in recent years. 摘要旋挖钻孔灌注桩和泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩是近年来黄土地基中广泛使用的桩基形式。
- The Preventive and Countermeasure of the Thrusting through the Bottom of the Casing Used in Bored Piles Drilled in Water 水上钻孔灌注桩护筒底穿的预防及处理
- The most interested problems of the design of post base-grouted bored pile are the estimate of the quantity of grouting and the bearing capacity. 桩端后注浆灌注桩单桩合理注浆量与承载力的计算成为工程界关注的主要问题之一,尚无设计规程可循。
- The Bearing capacity of bored pile is increased wich reducing silt deposit at the bottom of pile by improved construction technology. 通过施工工艺的改进,减少桩底沉淤,提高钻孔灌注桩的承载力。
- Construction technology and quality control of large diameter super-deep bored pile under complex geological condition are introduced. 介绍在复杂地质情况下超深大孔径桩基施工技术和质量控制措施。
- The standard penetration test(SPT)of base-pile of the artificial bored pile is very essential according to the feature of this project. 根据本工程实例情况,人工挖孔桩桩底标贯试验是非常必要的。
- In the paper, according to its success application in a tall building, the design and construction of under-reamed bored pile is debated in details. 本文结合钻孔扩底灌注桩在某工程中的应用情况,对钻孔扩底灌注桩设计、施工等应用方面进行了比较详细的介绍,指出该工法具有较好的经济效益。
- FEI Hong-qing,WANG Yan.Research ofsuper-longhole bored pile in loess subsoil [J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2000,22 (5):576-580. [2]费鸿庆;王燕.;黄土地基中超长钻孔灌注桩工程性状研究[J]
- This drill can bore through rock. 这台钻机能钻透岩石。
- In line of analysis of bored pile accidents emerged in bridge project construction,the paper introduces some treating methods for accidents of bored pile and quality failings. 通过对桥梁工程施工中出现的钻孔桩事故的分析,介绍了一些钻孔桩事故和质量缺陷的处理方法。