- A soft fruity wine displaying typical balance of a Bordeaux wine. 柔顺而富于果香的酒,展示出波尔多酒典型的匀称。
- Silky finale with a nice aromatic persistency.A typical Bordeaux wine. 口感柔和,有浓郁的成熟果香和令人愉悦的丝般感受,回味绵长。
- Red Bordeaux wine are delicate,well-balanced,round and tonic.Nice red colour both deep and brillant. 法国波尔多法定管制地区酒,一方面您可以从透射出的深厚光泽来鉴别上等的红酒。
- Today, in San Emilio never land, the erection of a monument to Burnaby, above the words: Bordeaux wine pioneer. 如今,在圣埃米利永的土地上,竖立着伯纳的纪念碑,上面刻着:波尔多葡萄酒的先行者。
- Guangzhou Longzhen Wine And Spirits CO.,LTD is the sole strategic partner of French Bordeaux wine Manai Si international wine company in China . 广州市龙贞酒业有限公司是法国波尔多马奈斯国际酒水公司在中国唯一战略合作伙伴。
- Taste notes: Excellent Bordeaux wine with great dense and tight fruit on the nose, an enticing and complex depth, spicy and full of exotic character. 品尝记录:一流波尔多红酒,酒香浓烈,果感紧致,酒体迷人且深邃多变,口感辛辣而个性十足。
- For a while, the classic French fry got a new name in the United States - "freedom fries." Americans boycotted brie cheese and Bordeaux wine. 法国带头反对伊拉克战争,让美国人感到愤怒。法国等欧洲国家也坚决反对美国在古巴关塔那摩湾设立的拘留中心,反对布什政府在气候变暖问题上的立场。
- A typic Bordeaux wine . 是一款典型的波尔多酒。
- Beautiful ruby colour. Nice fruity nose with ripe fruits aromas.In the mouth, pleasant wine, rich, supple,velvety.Silky finale with a nice aromatic persistency. A typic Bordeaux wine. 酒评;由于主要葡萄成分是梅露,酒体柔和丰富。呈美丽生动的红宝石色。口感柔和,有浓郁的成熟果香和另人愉悦的丝般感受,回味绵长。是一款典型的波尔多酒。
- A classic Bordeaux wine from one of the best vintages in recent year.The wine Displays balanced aroma of chocolate, blueberry and cedar.A wonderful wine that will match beef dishes. 法国著名酿酒地区波尔多地区酒;该酒是一款近期非常经典的红酒;熟透得黑樱桃色;香气浓郁;平衡了巧克力;浆果和蓝梅的味道;非常适合搭配牛肉.
- "Blended with Bordeaux wines, it is of strong Merlot character. It is mauve and fresh with finesse and rich aroma of tropic fruits. 采用波尔多地区红酒混和而成,富梅洛的特色,具柔顺的口感,丰富的热带水果香味,色泽紫红,清新。已可饮用。
- Montrose carries a wide range of Bordeaux wines to suit almost any need: from the most prestigious Chateaus to easy drinking clarets. 名特公司拥有最名贵的酒庄酒,也有易饮的日常餐酒供您选择,满足来自不同客户对波尔多葡萄酒的不同需求。
- Replicating the finest white Bordeaux wines, the Sauvignon and Semillon are barrel fermented to give an intriguing mix of fresh, vibrant, citrus flavors with rich, creamy, nutty flavors from the oak. 正如上好的白波尔多葡萄酒一样,苏维翁和榭密雍葡萄经过桶内的发酵,都具有了迷人的新鲜柑橘,以及浓郁醇厚的橡木的混合风味。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The industry normally divides the wines into the Old World, French Bordeaux wines, for example, and the New World, comprising of the Californian Wines, Australian Wines and Chilean Wines. 业界一般把葡萄酒二分为旧世界,如法国的波尔多红酒;和包括澳洲红酒与智利红酒等的新世界。
- He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers. 在他们的喝彩声中他喝了一大瓶酒。
- For those who would like to have a good grounding in their knowledge of Bordeaux wines and would like an official certificate issued by the l’Ecole du Vin de Bordeaux, this is a 3-hour course. 如果您想了解基本的波尔多葡萄酒并获得波尔多学校颁发的官方证书,这是适合您的3小时的波尔多精华课程。
- He's from the west coast, near bordeaux. 他是从西海岸波尔多港附近来的。
- Home-made wine can be very alcoholic. 自制的酒酒性很烈。
- Have a smell of this wine; is it all right? 你来闻一闻这酒,是好的吗?