- Bootleg echo and the bunn. 回声兔儿爷。
- Echo and the other nymphs who'd loved him came to mourn but found no one. 厄科和其他爱着他的居于山林水泽的仙女们前去哀悼他时,没有找到他。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- They were divided into implanted group and injected group,and the prosthetic position,shape,internal echo and capsula were observed. 结果发现包膜挛缩和硬化的乳腺91只,变形移位24只,破漏38只,感染4只,出血1只。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- There was a lot of echo and I couldn't hear well. 回音太多,我听不清楚。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out. 有人打开了门,蜡烛随之被吹灭了。
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- John is English and the rest of us are Welsh. 我们当中,约翰是英格兰人,其余的都是威尔斯人。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。
- The brake failed and the car ran into a lamp-post. 刹车失灵了,汽车撞在灯柱上了。
- This dissertation discusses mainly the realization of the radar signal simulator for an Airborne Phased-Array Radar (APAR), the simulation methods of target echo and clutter for APAR, and the application of hi-speed DSP chip in radar simulator. 尤其在近几年,雷达信号模拟器的研制已成为国内外军事研究领域的一个热门研究方向。 本文以某种机载相控阵雷达信号模拟器的研制为背景,对目标回波信号和杂波的模拟理论和算法以及系统实现等问题进行了较为深入的研究,并通过采用高速、高性能的DSP,实现了对机载相控阵雷达信号的实时模拟。
- The dogs lost the scent and the prisoner escaped. 警犬失去了臭迹,囚犯因而得以逃脱。
- The paper reaches the conclusion that this vivid and concrete novel and the abstract and profound French feminist theories echo and elaborate one another so as to prove the diversity of feminism. 小说以生动具体的文本形式阐释了后现代女性主义抽象深奥的理论,两者遥相呼应,恰好印证了女性主义的多元性。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 红太阳照亮了天空和大地。
- The colored reverberation background and the mismatch between echo and replica caused by target’s radial velocity will both degrade the detection performance and the distance estimation precision. 有色混响噪声背景以及目标径向速度造成的回波和样本失配都将导致匹配滤波器检测性能和测距精度下降。
- He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. 他揿了揿按钮,盖子就猛地弹开了。
- The dregs settled and the liquid became clear. 渣滓沉淀下来,液体变清了。
- My hometown and the capital are poles apart. 我的家乡和首都相距甚远。