- Book carts or book trucks 运书的手推车或卡车
- Nothing is more common than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry. 一个客店门前停辆榻车或小车原是件最平常的事。
- A printed critical review, as of a play or book. 短评印刷的评论,如一部戏剧或一本书的评论
- Don't keep your bags and belongings in shopping carts or baskets. 不要把你的包和随身财物放在购物车或购物蓝中。
- A treatise or book dealing with iconography. 研究插图的论文或书籍
- A printed critical review,as of a play or book. 短评印刷的评论,如一部戏剧或一本书的评论
- A passage from such a writing or book. 象这样一本著作或书中的片段。
- English: No Workbook or Book streams found. 未发现工作簿或工作簿流。
- In a preceding part of this document, statement, or book. 在上文在本文件、声明或书的以前的部分
- As buyer, you is to charter a ship or book a shipping space. 作为买方,您应该负责租船或订舱位。
- Would you like to dine a la carte or table d'hote? 您是吃点菜还是公司菜。
- Would you like to have table dhote or book the dishes? 您是吃份饭还是点菜?
- Will you dine a la carte or take d'hote? 您是吃点菜还是公司菜?
- Arrangement and production style,as of a magazine or book. 印刷品排列或制作的式样,如杂志或书籍
- Will you dine a la carte or take table d'hote? 您是吃点菜还是套餐菜?
- Would you like a la carte or table d'hote? 你是吃点菜还是套餐?
- As buyer,you are to charter a ship or book a shipping space. 作为买方,您应该负责租船或订舱位。
- Will you dine a la carte or take d'hote ? 您是吃点菜还是公司菜?
- Will you dine a la carte or take the table d'hote? 您点菜呢还是吃客饭?
- Each player has to mime the title of a movie, play or book. 每一位参加者都得用哑剧动作表现出一部电影、戏剧或一本书的标题。