- Bond Rating and Credit Risk 债券信用评级与信用风险
- Determining certain interest rate and loan to value ratio (LTV) can make creditors mitigate credit risk, which comes from the price risk and liquidity risk of collateral in inventory pledge loan. 摘要存货抵押贷款中,信用风险主要来源于抵押物价格和流动性风险,信贷人确定适当的利率和贷款价值比能够有效缓释信用风险。
- The credit risk involves in not only debit and credit, buy also nearly every fields of microeconomic and macroeconomic. 信贷风险不仅涉及到借、贷双方,而且还几乎涉及到微观经济和宏观经济的各个领域。
- FOMC The body that sets the interest rate and credit policies of the Federal Reserve System. 公开市场委员会为美国联邦储备体系制定利率及信贷政策的机构。
- Especially it analyses changes: the stockpile risk into the arrear risk, operation risk changes market risk, and credit risk into finance risk. 特别是库存风险转化为挂帐风险,经营风险转化为市场波动风险,信贷风险转化为财政风险等;
- moody's bond rating and stock quality groups [经] 穆迪氏债券和股票等级评定
- Theodore M.Barnhill Jr.,William F.Maxwell,Modeling correlated market and credit risk in fixed income portfolios,Journal of Banking &finance,26(2002) 347-374. 李志辉.;现代信用风险量化度量和管理研究[M]
- The microstructures and the relations between bonding rate and bending and fracture strength were analyzed. 分析了弯曲强度、断裂挠度与焊合率之间的关系及接头的金相组织。
- In the second draft of "The New Basel CapitalAccord" , operational risk and credit risk, market risk are bring into the first major ofpillar that bank takes charge of along together. 从《巴塞尔协议》第二稿起,将操作风险和信用风险、市场风险一并纳入银行监管的第一支柱。
- According to the requirement of the New Accord, the measurement of the Possibility of Default (hereafter PD) is the foundation of the IRB approach and credit risk management in banks. 而根据新协议的框架,违约率的测算是内部评级法和银行信用风险管理的基础,在国际银行业风险内部评级体系的演进过程中,现代信用风险度量技术成为违约率测算的一种有用工具。
- Bond rating agency Standard & Poor rs Corp. 债券评级机构标准普尔氏公司
- The influence of a securities firm arising from credit enhancement and credit risk mitigation shall be taken into account when aggregating credit risks. 信用加强与信用风险抵减对公司之信用风险影响效果,应于加总信用风险时考量之。
- Banking Market, Lending Rate Decision and Credit Risk 银行业市场结构、利率决定和信贷风险
- Low interest rates and rising asset prices will spark a capex, consumer, and credit cycle which should persist even after global growth slows in 2H04. 低利率和资产价格的上升将会刺激亚洲地区形成资本投资、消费和放贷的循环,这一循环将确保亚洲在2004年第二季度全球经济成长减缓的情况下继续保持增长势头。
- Underpinning the rise were increasing government action against foreign investors in Latin America and central Asia and credit risks in Eastern Europe. 导致这一风险指数上升的主要因素是,拉美和中亚国家的反外资行动日益增加,以及东欧的信贷风险不断上升。
- Moody's is one of the largest bond rating agencies in the world. 慕迪是全世界最大的债券评等机构之一。
- The management of money, banking, investments, and credit. 财政管理对资金、银行业、投资和信贷的管理
- It is important for investors to research a bond just as they would a stock or mutual fund. The bond rating will help in deciphering the default risk. 象研究股票和共同基金样研究债券对投资者来说是必要的;辨别债券等级将有助于识别违约风险.
- Theodore M. Barnhill, Jr., Panagiotis, Papapanagiotou, and Liliana Schumacher: Measuring Integrated Market and Credit Risks in Band Portfolios, IMF working paper, WP/00/212. 陈忠阳:金融风险分析与管理研究--市场和机构的理论、模型与技术[M];中国人民大学出版社;2001年版.
- Will you give a special rate and term? 您将给予一定特殊优惠条件吗?