- Bolma aureola Hedleyn. 棕黄星螺(钟螺超科;蝾螺科)
- Dab on aureola when applying to nipples. 在乳晕及咀唇上涂用时,请涂在色素区位内。
- From left) Mr Cheng, Prof Anthony Hedley and Dr Josephine Wong. 左起)郑学仁先生、贺达理教授及王颖珊医生。
- Mine started out as a single red pimple on the aureola. 我的癌刚开始时也只是乳晕上的一个小红痘。
- Globalization is the mask of American hegemonism and aureola. 全球化是美国霸权主义的面具和光环。
- Just be to be below the aureola of " gain " , a few wool.. 只不过是在"盈利"的光环下,一些毛...
- The most beautiful love in the world, Towerly, not the dazzling aureola, but the ordinary sensation. 世间最美的爱,不是绚烂的光环,而是平凡的感动。
- The design looks like a fashionable pearl earbob .The pearl will shine aureola when call is incoming . 使用的时候可以用一根指头轻轻将麦克风按在骨头上籍由骨头共振传递而去的良好的通话效果。
- Lognathan MJ,Hedley MJ.2001.Fluoride accumulation in pasture forages and soils following long-term applications of phosphorus fertilizers. 王朝辉宗志强等.;菜地和一般农田土壤主要养分累积的差异[J]
- Paget's Disease This is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on the nipple and aureola. 帕基特病症:这是一种罕见的乳癌病型,因为癌细胞是长在乳房外部的乳头或乳晕。
- "Environment of Shenzhen real estate already produced change, the aureola of ' of ' example room sadly come out. "深圳地产环境已发生变化,'样板房' 的光环正 悄然褪去。"
- A few frosted glass lamps are installed on ha-ha, lamplight is on the move in, chromatic aureola surrounds, become the space of the doorway profusion is vivid. 矮墙上安装几盏毛玻璃灯,灯光流转中,彩色的光环环绕,将门口的空间变得缤纷生动。
- A sore on your nipple that will not heal. (Mine was on the aureola area with a whitishthick looking area in center of nipple). 第二:乳头有痛处,无法治愈。(我的痛处在乳晕区,而乳头中心呈略白厚实状。)
- From left) Prof Sophia Chan Siu-chee, Prof Lam Tai-hing, Prof Anthony J Hedley and Prof Sarah M McGhee urged the community to support 50% increase of tobacco tax. 左起)陈肇始教授;林大庆教授;贺达理教授和麦洁仪教授呼吁社会各界支持增加烟草税.
- The benefits of pollution control in southern China far outweigh the costs, finds a new study by Christine Loh, Anthony Hedley, Wong Tze Wai and Alexis Lau. 陆恭蕙、贺达理、黄子惠和刘启汉进行的一项新的研究发现,控制污染利大于弊。
- As the drawing near of the plane, bigger and bigger aureola becomes white gradually, as if in cloud and mist wispy medium mirage. 随着飞机的临近,越来越大的光环渐渐变成白色,仿佛在云雾飘渺中的海市蜃楼。
- In short do not arrive 20 years inside time, dai Ercheng is the overmatch of global IT bound, enjoyed the never-failing flower of several and aureola. 在短短不到20年时间内,戴尔成为全球 IT 界的强者,享受了数之不尽的鲜花和光环。
- But it is difficult for saints to see through their own halos; and in practice an aureola about the head is often indistinguishable from a mist. 14圣人一般都难以看到自己头上的光环。在现实生活中,头顶上的光环总会和雾气混淆在一起。
- Because China is the biggest of IT enterprise aureola envelop, and believe too to oneself, let Shi Yuzhu change the plan that covers 38 at first again, add finally go to 70 high. 由于中国最大IT企业光环的笼罩,以及对自己过于相信,让史玉柱把最初盖38层的计划一改再改,最后加高到70层。
- Walk out of the Guo Fenglian that come from inside historical aureola, guiding people of Dazhai-a production brigade in Xiyang County to move toward nowadays new brilliant. 从历史光环中走出来的郭凤莲,如今正带领着大寨人民走向新的辉煌。谈到人代会,郭凤莲代表说,本次人代会最主要的议程之一就是宪法的修改。