- Blood surged to her face. 她的脸腾的一下变得通红。
- And he noticed the darkening of her skin blushing, the dark creamy skin, going darker with the blood surging to her face. 他还注意到,她的皮肤由于难为情而呈现出了深红色:她那本来又红又果的奶油般光润的皮肤,由于热血涌到了脸上面更显得又红又黑了。
- He wouldn't say rude things about her to her face. 他不会当着她的面说关于她的粗鲁话。
- Embarrassment caused blood to flush to her face. 困窘使血液涌到她的脸上。
- The doctor transplanted skin to her face. 医生给她脸上移植皮肤。
- Criticized the supervisor to her face. 当她的面批评那个监督员
- Embarrassment caused the blood to flush to her face. 困窘使血液涌到她的脸上。
- I am so angry that I'll tell her to her face what I think of her. 我太生气了,我一定要当面告诉她我对她的看法。
- Blood surged to his face. 血涌到他的脸上。
- Did you say "you stupid jerk" to her face? 你是当她的面说“你这只蠢猪”的吗?
- She applied heavy makeup to her face. 她在脸上浓妆艳抹。
- I've grown accustomed to her face. 我已经变得习惯于她的脸了。
- I dare you to tell her that to her face. 你敢当面对她那么说吗?
- He woudn't say rude things about her to her face. 他不肯当面对她出言不逊。
- She lowered her face to her hands. 他低下头用手捂着脸。
- Her face lightened,colour came back to her cheeks. 她的脸开朗起来,红润重又回到面颊上。
- She brought her hands up to her face. 她将手移到脸上。
- He was hit on the head,blood surged out. 他的头被打中了,流了很多血。
- Little by little a healthy complexion came back to her face. 她脸上逐渐恢复了血色。
- He was hit on the head, blood surged out. 他的头被打中了,流了很多血。