- Method The air samples from blood collection room were collected and cultured before and after air(sterilization),and again before and after various personnel activities. 方法对采血室消毒前、后,无人活动时,采血进行时进行空气采样和培养,采样时记录间隔时间和人员流动情况。
- Relationship Between Air Sterilization Effect in Blood Collection Room and Personnel Activity 采血室空气消毒效果与人员活动频率关系的研究
- Blood collection room 采血室
- This included syringes and blood collection needles. 这种医疗器械包括注射器和采血使用的针头。
- "The first year, these people everybody invulnerability, who also refused to go to blood collection. “头一年,这些人个个刀枪不入,谁也不肯去采血。
- Since the establishment of the realm of art and literature of collection room , have got extensive concern and energetical support of the country and province city leader. 海源阁艺苑集锦斋自成立以来,得到了国家及省市领导的广泛关注与大力支持。
- Conclusions:For blood collection in OGTT,it makes the procedure ease-operated and safety using indwelling vein needle. 结论:在口服葡萄糖耐量试验中,静脉留置针采血法操作简便,使用安全,临床上值得使用。
- The DonorCare product is a vessel with a unique design into which blood collection needles are retracted upon withdrawal from a blood donor. DonorCare产品是一种设计独特的容器,采血针头在从献血者身体上抽回时可缩回这一套式容器中。
- Objectie :We aimed to examine gender differences in insulin and insulin propeptide concentrations at birth using alidated cord blood collection. 目的:我们的目的是利用出生时有效的脐带血标本来调查其中胰岛素及胰岛素前肽浓度的性别差异。
- A istance to military families and to former soldiers remai one of the largest Red Cro programs .It is also well-known for its blood collection progrm. 今天在美国海滩和游泳池工作的大部分救护人员均经红十字会培训或批准。
- Moreso, there is pressure upon blood collection agencies to use ITL's superior products, and that is possible because of the brand recognition brought about by its trade marks. 此外,采血机构会感到一种压力,使它们不得不使用ITL质量超群的产品,这一点是有可能的,因为该公司的注册商标促成了它们对该品牌的认可。
- Art and Design Reference Room is located in Foreign Collections Room on the second floor. 艺术设计资料室位于二楼外文室里面。
- It suggests that placental blood collection not only provide vital blood sources,but also decrease postpartum blood lossing and shorten the course of the third stage of labor. 说明采集胎盘血不仅提供了宝贵的血源,而且减少了产后出血量,缩短了第三产程。
- Approach was taken 2 years of age with cyanotic congenital heart disease in children with 60, with improved methods of blood collection in the morning 6:00. 方法随即抽取2岁以下紫绀型先天性心脏病患儿60名,用改进的方法于晨起6点采血。
- To guarantee emergency blood use, medical institutions may collect blood on a provisional basis; however, safety in blood collection and blood use shall be ensured in pursuance of the provisions of this Law. 为保证应急用血,医疗机构可以临时采集血液,但应当依照本法规定,确保采血用血安全。
- The whole course of cryopreservated platelets preparation in order included whole blood collection, centrifugation for fresh platelet rich plasma preparation, addition of dimethyl sulfoxide, and freeze in -80℃ refrigeratory and thaw in 38℃ water bath. 冰冻保存血小板全过程包括血液采集、离心制备、添加DMSO、- 80℃冰箱保存和 38℃水浴解冻。
- He was sweating blood while she was in the operating room. 她在手术室内动手术时,他焦急万分。
- Objective To discuss the inf lu ences of concerned factors on blood collecting duration among military volunteer s. 目的探讨军队官兵无偿献血者有关因素对采血时间的影响。
- The main products are: transfusion, blood, syringes, needles scalp, blood collection needle, the products are exported to Europe and the United States and other developed countries. 主要产品有:输液器、输血器、注射器、头皮针、采血针,产品远销欧美等发达国家。
- Heterogeneous hemorrhagic mass with pelvic blood collection could be MRI findings of ruptured or aborted tubal pregnancy, and rim-like enhancement could be significant to locate lesions. 血肿和盆腔积液提示流产或破裂,病灶出现环状或管状边缘强化提示病灶位于输卵管内。